Los Angeles Times


A 10-point plan for getting creative work done while worrying about Trump.

- JOHN SCALZI CRITIC AT LARGE John Scalzi, a Los Angeles Times critic at large, is a Hugo award-winning novelist.

It’s not a great secret that Donald Trump and his incoming administra­tion are not hugely beloved by America’s creative class. What’s probably less known is that Trump’s election put a number of creative people into mental tailspin. The possible disappeara­nce of the Affordable Care Act, through which many secured health insurance, is just the first of their concerns.

For many artists, being worried, anxious or depressed steals away the ability to create. The new reality of Trump’s America means a lot of creatives have to find a new balance to get back to creating. How to do that, if you are knocked for a loop by the election? Here are some of the things I’ve done, and that other writers and creatives are telling me they are doing. Acknowledg­e the facts of life. On Jan. 20, there’s an administra­tion coming into office that fills a lot of creative people with despair. If you’re one of those people, don’t run from that fact or try to shove it down to some part of your brain where you don’t have to think about it, because denial won’t change it.

At the same time, recognize that no matter who is in power, you still have work and create, and eat and pay bills and pamper your pets. It’s all right to acknowledg­e that day-to-day life exists, even in the face of existentia­l crisis. Indeed, if you’re taking care of your day-to-day, you’re usually in a better position to deal with everything else. Figure out your bandwidth. Some people can engage in the world, including social media, and all its bad news, and still get their work done. Some people need to remove themselves almost completely. Most creative people live somewhere in between. Ask yourself how much space your brain needs for creative work, and how much distance it needs from the outside world to do it. If reading the news, Facebook and Twitter makes it hard for your creative side, face it, acknowledg­e it and plan accordingl­y. And don’t feel bad about it. Disconnect (temporaril­y). Especially now, it might be useful for a “hard reset”: taking a week (or two! Or more!) away from most news and social media in order to give your brain the equivalent of a few deep, cleansing breaths and the ability to switch focus away from the outside world and back into your internal creative life. Create creative space daily. When I’m writing a novel, my best creative time is the first thing in the morning. My brain is fresher, I feel more inventive and not cluttered with the news of the day. So I get up and get to my daily quota (which for me is 2,000 words, or four hours of writing, whichever comes first) before going on the Internet.

When are you most creative? Find that time and then create (and guard) it in your daily routine. Reconnect ( judiciousl­y). When you go back to the news of the world, and to social media, it’s perfectly all right to ask yourself: Is this making me happy? Is it giving me useful informatio­n? Is it inspiring me to engage in the world or does it make me want to run from it?

If it’s not helping you, let it go. Unfollow that Facebook friend passing along fake news, mute that angry person on Twitter. Evaluate the news sources you read and keep the ones that offer news accurately and truthfully. Do other things that make you happy. News and social media expand to fill the space you allot to them. Last year, I realized I was spending so much time watching my friends freak out on Twitter and Facebook that I read fewer books and spent less time with my other hobbies. This year, I’m intentiona­lly carving out space to read, to play music, and to enjoy the movies and TV shows I haven’t caught up on. Likewise: Connect with friends and community. The weekend after the election, when I and most creative people I knew felt especially low, I went to a wedding of friends, with other friends in attendance. For several hours we laughed and joked and enjoyed life and remembered that even in dispiritin­g times, when it’s easy to curl up into a defensive ball or to shut people out, your friends and community will do a lot to see you through. They will inspire you. And they don’t mind your goofy dance moves (or if they do, they’ll let it slide anyway). Give help when you can. Many creative folks have made protesting and resisting a priority for 2017. But if you don’t have the time or mental bandwidth to engage that way and still be creative, there are still things you can do. Among the simplest: Give money to organizati­ons looking out for the people at risk under the new administra­tion. Do likewise for people you know in need. We’re in an era where “pay it forward” is an especially evocative phrase. Get help if you need it. Sometimes depression and anxiety don’t go away with helpful tips. There’s no shame in acknowledg­ing depression and anxiety. Treating them can clear a path to becoming creative again. Get help; it’ll help. Remember: Your work matters. There are people who rationaliz­e that the next few years will be great for art, in the way that Margaret Thatcher’s rule was great for music in the UK. I don’t think much of that argument — there’s always great art, in every political climate — but I do think that people will need art and the creative people who make it. Your work will matter to someone; it will help them get through. But only if you make it in the first place. Take care of yourself, then get to work.

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