Los Angeles Times

Bathroom dispute heads to justices

The Supreme Court and several others are being asked for quick decisions on rules for transgende­r students.

- By David G. Savage david.savage@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has its first chance this week to weigh in on the legal controvers­y over transgende­r students, as a Virginia school board seeks an emergency order exempting it from the Obama administra­tion’s policy to allow students to use bathrooms “consistent with their gender identity.”

The U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision upheld this policy in April and ruled for Gavin Grimm, a 17-year-old transgende­r boy from Gloucester, Va. He had sued after the school board adopted a rule saying the use of restrooms “shall be limited to the correspond­ing biological genders.”

The U.S. Department of Education cited this ruling in May when it said that according to its interpreta­tion of the federal anti-discrimina­tion law known as Title IX, schools and colU.S. leges “must allow transgende­r students access” to restrooms, locker rooms and dormitorie­s that fit their gender identity.

The same week, the Justice Department sued the state of North Carolina over its law, known as House Bill 2, or HB2, which says schools and colleges must maintain restrooms and changing facilities that are segregated by sex, defined by “the physical condition of being male or female which is stated on a person’s birth certificat­e.”

Now with a new school year approachin­g, several courts are being asked to decide the issue quickly.

A federal judge in North Carolina heard arguments Monday from lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal, who called HB2 discrimina­tory and unconstitu­tional. They said the state’s law should be put on hold.

“All I want is to use the appropriat­e restroom in peace, just like everyone else,” said Joaquin Carcano, 28, the lead plaintiff. He is an employee of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a transgende­r man. “It’s humiliatin­g that this law separates me from my peers and treats me like a second-class citizen.”

District Judge Thomas Schroeder said he would rule shortly on whether to temporaril­y suspend the state law, then would hear further arguments in November on whether to strike it down entirely.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has been considerin­g the appeal from the Gloucester County School Board asking it to put on hold the 4th Circuit’s decision upholding the gender identity rule.

The school board’s lawyers say the dispute goes far beyond a single student’s use of a particular bathroom. The case has “assumed nationwide importance,” they say, now that the administra­tion “seeks to impose its Title IX interpreta­tion on every school district in the nation, and indeed, to extend that interpreta­tion beyond restrooms to locker rooms, showers, single-sex classes, housing and overnight accommodat­ions.”

ACLU lawyers representi­ng Gavin Grimm said the appeal should be turned down. They said the case involves only the 17-year-old who sued, and “no irreparabl­e harm will occur if [Grimm] is allowed to use the boys’ restroom” this year while the school board seeks a full review of the 4th Circuit’s decision.

The emergency appeal was filed with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who oversees the 4th Circuit. If he or the full court turns down the appeal, which is likely, it will be seen as an early signal that the administra­tion’s rule on transgende­r rights will be upheld.

With the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February, the court’s conservati­ves can no longer muster the five-member majority they need to issue a ruling, including emergency orders in pending cases. The school board’s lawyers would need at least one vote from the four liberal justices.

The Gloucester case raises a procedural issue that might draw the conservati­ve justices’ attention. The Obama administra­tion did not seek a new law to clarify transgende­r students’ rights, or even issue a new regulation. Instead, Education Department lawyers issued a new interpreta­tion of a 1970s-era regulation that had permitted sex-segregated restrooms and locker rooms. The new “guidance” said the treatment of transgende­r students must be “consistent with their gender identity.”

The school board’s lawyers characteri­zed this as a sleight-of-hand gesture that resulted in a major change in the law. In recent years, the court’s conservati­ves have said they are increasing­ly skeptical of federal agencies that change the law by announcing new interpreta­tions of old regulation­s. But without Scalia, they may not have the votes.

So far, the 4th Circuit Court is the only one to rule directly on transgende­r students and school bathrooms. Since May, lawyers for Texas, Nebraska and 20 other Republican-led states have joined suits challengin­g the Education Department’s policy.

 ?? Steve Helber Associated Press ?? GAVIN GRIMM’S lawyers say the Supreme Court should reject his Virginia school board’s appeal and let the 17-year-old use the boys’ restroom this year.
Steve Helber Associated Press GAVIN GRIMM’S lawyers say the Supreme Court should reject his Virginia school board’s appeal and let the 17-year-old use the boys’ restroom this year.

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