Los Angeles Times

Keystone and global warming


Regarding the review of “Trespassin­g Across Amerilater ca” [April 17] on the 1,700mile route of the Keystone XL pipeline . The Keystone pipeline is an example of the problems we get into when we try to control fossil fuel use for climate change reasons. A carbon fee and dividend approach solves the real problem, which is producing too much carbon dioxide pollution. James A. Martin, Sc. D. Huntington Beach

Among climate scientists the verdict is virtually unanimous. But all it takes to deny the existence of human caused climate change is a belief that Rush Limbaugh’s hunches have the same validity as over a century of painstakin­g work from our best trained experts.

Rising seas, melting ice sheets, increased frequency of extremes will continue to grow, whether one is a fool or a scientist, whether the Kochs and Limbaughs declare victory or not. Some prefer the suicidal joy ride of denial. Please vote smart. Jan Freed Los Angeles

I wish there were more like Ken Ilgunas willing to talk about climate change, but I wish he’d approached a different audience. Climate change can’t compete with a person’s job, and those dismissive of climate science are as firm in their belief as Ken is in his science. He should have reached out to the American majority who know climate change is happening and that we should do something.

The missing link is that they need to know what to do. Seeing no solution becomes one more reason to ignore the problem. The good news is there is a market solution — fee and dividend legislatio­n. Mark Tabbert Newport Beach

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