Los Angeles Times

Sanders voters help the GOP


Re “Trump continues to roll; Sanders scores big upset,” March 9

Your article on the Hillary Clinton- Bernie Sanders contest in Michigan explains the Vermont senator’s razor- thin win in Michigan ( 49.9% to 48.3%) in part by citing certain exit poll results of “Democratic voters.”

But it ignored the elephant in the room revealed by those polls: Former Secretary of State Clinton in fact defeated Sanders among all registered Democrats by a whopping 58% to 40%.

As Michigan was one of the few open Democratic primaries, fully 27% of so- called Democratic voters were independen­ts, and 4% actually were Republican­s. It was independen­ts who voted 71% to 28% for Sanders and accounted for his win.

Between the Benghazi hearings and millions of dollars spent by Republican groups on withering TV ads against Clinton, the GOP clearly prefers to face a weaker, extremist candidate never vetted by its attack machine.

The real story of the Michigan primary results may be that most non-

Democratic voters there, whether wittingly or not, were doing the very bidding of the GOP.

Mark E. Kalmansohn

Santa Monica

I think Sanders is making a big mistake by not re- branding.

Sanders has labeled himself a socialist or a democratic socialist. I understand what he means, but I’d bet that most of middle America will not vote for him because they think he’s actually a communist.

Sanders would stand a better chance of winning if he were to brand himself as what he really means: a New Deal Democrat.

Everyone knows President Franklin D. Roosevelt and how his New Deal saved America by improving the lives of the working class with progressiv­e programs like Social Security. Being a “new” New Deal Democrat doesn’t come across as threatenin­g in the way identifyin­g as a socialist does. It would be familiar and reassuring by promising to continue FDR’s legacy.

If it takes a retooling and a clarificat­ion of Sanders’ brand to win the presidency, I hope he makes the change now, before it’s too late.

James Hornbeck

Valley Glen

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