Los Angeles Times

Obama leads favorabili­ty poll

Obama has edge over Romney in likability, polls show, but it may not be enough.

- Kathleen.hennessey @latimes.com

Voters give him the edge over Romney in a survey of personal appeal.

WASHINGTON — The economy is in the tank and hopes for quick improvemen­t are dim. Most people don’t like the direction the country is headed and many blame President Obama. And his GOP rival scores better on the top issues. So why isn’t Obama doing worse in the polls?

One likely reason: Voters like him more than Mitt Romney.

Obama’s job approval ratings long ago plummeted from his halcyon postelecti­on days. But the president’s favorabili­ty — the catchall measure that pollsters say reflects voters’ gut feelings about a politician — has been resilient. Despite a recession, a sluggish jobless recovery, an oil spill, an unpopular healthcare law and a string of ugly tussles with Congress, Obama’s favorabili­ty is 54%, according to a recent USA Today-Gallup poll. Respondent­s were essentiall­y divided on Romney, who had a 46% favorabili­ty rating. When asked about likability, respondent­s favored Obama, 60% to 30%.

Included in that barometer is a group of personal traits more consequent­ial than just being nice. Obama gets high marks on honesty and trustworth­iness. And most voters say he shares their values and cares about people like them.

And, by some accounts, voters really like the president. Two-thirds of voters surveyed recently by the Wall Street Journal and NBC said they liked Obama personally.

Romney, the unofficial Republican nominee, was personally liked by 47%.

“Basically, it looks like Romney’s personalit­y is holding him back and Obama’s likability is helping him,” said Jeffrey M. Jones, managing editor for the Gallup Poll. “It seems frivolous, but it matters.”

How much it matters is the subject of debate among political scientists. Pollsters note that favorabili­ty ratings have been an accurate predictor in the last five presidenti­al elections, including the virtual tie of 2000. Vice President Al Gore went into the election with 56% of voters having a favorable impression; George W. Bush was at 55%.

But favorabili­ty isn’t the most precise reading of how people feel about a candidate’s personalit­y because it can be swayed by partisan leanings and other biases. When looking more narrowly at whom voters just plain like best, it’s not at all clear that presidenti­al elections are popularity contests, some observers say. Theories about voters picking the candidate they would like to crack open a beer with are “a lot of noise,” said Morris Fiorina, a political scientist at Stanford University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institutio­n.

“It’s always better to be liked than not liked,” Fiorina said. “But it won’t save you.”

It is not unusual that the number of people who say they view Obama favorably is outpacing the number who say they like the work he’s doing. People tend to like their president.

Asking people to vote for the candidate they may not like more but who they think will do a better job is, for now, the Romney campaign’s task. In several recent polls, the former Massachuse­tts governor and former chief executive of a private equity firm got strong marks on how he would handle the issues voters care about most. A Gallup survey from midJuly showed Romney with the edge over Obama on creating jobs, handling taxes and lowering the deficit.

But the same poll found that voters considered Obama more likable than Romney by a 2-to-1ratio. And half said he better understand­s the challenges Americans face in their daily lives, compared with 39% who said Romney does.

The Obama campaign has pounced on that gap. Nearly every campaign speech and television ad charges that Romney’s tax proposals favor the rich or notes his considerab­le wealth. Television ads released last week aimed to capitalize on Obama’s personalit­y edge, showing him speaking directly to the camera.

Likability doesn’t substitute for job approval, Obama advisor David Axelrod said, “but it’s also true, especially when you’re voting for president, that people understand they’re going to be living with this person for the next four years, and they want to have someone they relate to as a person and who they feel comfortabl­e with, and that’s always been the case. It’s not unimportan­t.”

Romney senior strategist Neil Newhouse downplayed that factor: “Likability doesn’t fix the economy. Likability isn’t helping the middle class.”

And Newhouse pointed to the Republican National Convention in August as a place to showcase Romney’s personal strengths. “People don’t really know Mitt Romney yet,” he said. “By election day, I think they’re going to really get a feel for who he is, what drives him.”

There is precedent in Romney’s favor, notes Fiorina, who has studied the role of personal positives in presidenti­al elections. Contrary to lore, it was President Carter, the Sunday school teacher with the smile, who had the personalit­y edge in 1980 but lost to Ronald Reagan.

And 20 years before, Richard Nixon’s personalit­y was viewed just slightly more positively than John F. Kennedy’s.

In the 13 elections from 1952 to 2000, only four saw a major personalit­y gap, Fiorina found. Americans voted for the less-liked candidate in two — Clinton in 1996 and Reagan in 1980.

Fiorina posits that outside events can trump popularity, which means Obama’s edge helps him but offers no safety net. The intensity of concerns about the economy may drown out other concerns.

 ?? Marc Serota Getty Images ?? PRESIDENT OBAMA, raising arms with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), is considered by voters to more likable than Mitt Romney. “Likability doesn’t fix the economy,” said a Romney spokesman.
Marc Serota Getty Images PRESIDENT OBAMA, raising arms with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), is considered by voters to more likable than Mitt Romney. “Likability doesn’t fix the economy,” said a Romney spokesman.

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