Los Angeles Times

Press seizes on Olympic remarks

Mitt Romney arrives in London facing questions about some comments he had about the Games.

- By Maeve Reston maeve.reston@latimes.com

LONDON — Mitt Romney had intended to start his foreign trip on a high note, but his message of statesmans­hip and friendship between nations was quickly drowned out by a British press frenzy over a remark he made about some early glitches in the handling of the Olympic Games that open here Friday.

The presumed Republican nominee spent Thursday in a round of meetings with current and former British leaders, but he was met with questions from both the British and American press about his comment Thursday night to “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams that some of the early Olympic reports had been “disconcert­ing.”

“The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigratio­n and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouragin­g,” Mr. Romney told Williams.

Never mind that Romney has, for the most part, spoken glowingly of the Olympic events in London and the imaginativ­e approach that leaders have taken here: He was greeted Thursday with a front page opinion headline in one of London’s morning papers taking issue with what was framed as his guile.

Before meeting Romney in the afternoon, Prime Minister David Cameron appeared to push back against the suggestion that anything was awry, saying England would “show the whole world, not just that we come together as a United Kingdom, but also, we’re extremely good at welcoming people from across the world.”

Without specifical­ly being asked about Romney’s comments, he volunteere­d that England was holding the Olympic Games “in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world…. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.” (The British press seized on that comment as a reference to Salt Lake City, where Romney headed the Olympics in 2002.)

By mid-afternoon, as the Olympic torch arrived in Hyde Park, London Mayor Boris Johnson was using Romney as a prop, whipping up the crowd by yelling: “I hear there is a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know whether we are ready.... Are we ready?” “Yes!” the crowd yelled back.

At Romney’s afternoon press conference — which ran live on Fox News in the U.S. — two of the three questions posed to Romney were about his “disconcert­ing” comments. As he had earlier in the morning after a meeting with Labor Party leader Ed Miliband, Romney softened his tone.

“My experience as an Olympic organizer is that there are always a few very small things that end up going not quite right in the first day or so,” he told reporters with a smile. “Those get ironed out and then when the Games themselves begin and the athletes take over, all the mistakes that the organizing committee — and I made a few — all of those are overwhelme­d by the many things that the athletes carry out that capture the spirit of the Games.”

Romney said everything that he had seen about the London Olympics showed “imaginatio­n and forethough­t and a lot of organizati­on,” and said he expected the Games “to be highly successful.”

The more critical remarks took hold, in part, because Romney has been so careful not to criticize President Obama or his policies while overseas that he has made no other news. After meeting with Cameron — who did not mention the flap, according to a senior Romney advisor — the Republican candidate was so cautious in his responses that he declined even to restate his own position when asked whether the U.S. and Europe should get more directly involved in Syria.

Though Romney said he and Cameron spoke about Syria and other nations, he said that in keeping with tradition, he didn’t “want to refer to any comments made by leaders representi­ng other nations, nor do I want to describe foreign policy positions I might have while I’m on foreign soil.”

“Discussion­s of foreign policy should be made by the president and the current administra­tion, not by those that are seeking office,” he said, in an unusually deferentia­l bow to his rival. “I really am not going add anything about my own views on Syria.… I can only say that I appreciate­d the insights and perspectiv­es of the leaders of the government here and opposition here as well as the head of MI6.”

(Soon the British press was debating whether Romney should have revealed that he’d met with the head of British intelligen­ce.)

Nonetheles­s, Romney said at an evening fundraiser that it had been “a marvelous day.” At the event, which was expected to raise at least $2 million from U.S. donors living overseas, Romney spoke again about the special relationsh­ip between the U.S. and the U.K., and of the men and women of Great Britain who had served in Afghanista­n alongside U.S. troops.

“We have shed blood together, we have shed treasure together in various places over the years, and when times were most difficult for us, they came to our aid and vice versa. It’s inspiring.”

Romney also said he’d passed the sculpture of Winston Churchill. “It tugs at the heartstrin­gs to remember the kind of example that was led by Winston Churchill. And I’m looking forward to the bust of Winston Churchill being in the Oval Office again,” he said.

 ?? Carl Court
Afp/getty Images ?? MITT ROMNEY arrives at Downing Street. The Republican met with Prime Minister David Cameron, who reportedly did not mention the Olympic flap.
Carl Court Afp/getty Images MITT ROMNEY arrives at Downing Street. The Republican met with Prime Minister David Cameron, who reportedly did not mention the Olympic flap.

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