Lodi News-Sentinel

Claims about Dems not true


Editor: Mr. Vetica’s letter (June 3) was a wealth of misinforma­tion and made-up “facts” about Democrats. His first claim that “Governor Brown changed a misdemeano­r from $500 to $950,” is false.

The change was made by VOTERS in 2015 with the passage of Propositio­n 47 and changed the threshold for grand theft, a felony. Theft of items valued at less than $950 is a misdemeano­r that still carries fines and can involve jail time, but the goal of Prop. 47 is to decrease jail overcrowdi­ng. I highly doubt that those determined to shoplift are deterred by the penalties involved or stop to calculate the value of the items they are stealing.

Mr. Vetica’s claim that “Democrats want open borders, illegals voting, welfare to anyone not a citizen” is simply false — a trope pushed repeatedly by Donald

Trump and swallowed whole by his gullible followers. Democrats do want changes to immigratio­n policy — something President Obama tried to accomplish, but he was repeatedly blocked by Mitch McConnell. As for wanting “illegals” to vote, that is simply laughable.

Trump has also been pushing the lie that voting by mail will lead to fraud, and there is no evidence that “illegals or dead people” vote in-person or by mail. Trump’s latest claim is that “children will be sent out to steal ballots” from mail boxes — further proof that the man is seriously deranged.

Immigratio­n has changed since the days of Ellis Island when the only requiremen­t was being disease free.

Interestin­gly, “an old Italian saying summed up the disillusio­nment felt by many: ‘I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, I found out three things: First, the streets weren’t paved with gold; second, they weren’t paved at all; and third, I was expected to pave them.’”


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