Lodi News-Sentinel

Election arguments

- ANNIE LANE Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators.com.

Dear Annie: I’ll try to keep this nonpartisa­n and just give you the bare essentials. My sister and I are both in our late 50s. She’s only two years younger than I am, and we grew up extremely close. We went to college together and made sure never to move too far away from each other or our parents afterward.

But she is a member of one major political party, and I’m a member of the other one. The presidenti­al election caused a big strain on our relationsh­ip. I thought things would get better after Election Day, but they’ve actually gotten even worse. She’s unwilling to compromise and see my point of view, and to be honest, I can’t see her point of view, either.

Before the campaign season started (a year and a half ago), we talked on the phone at least three times a week. Now we haven’t talked in two weeks, and I’m worried the distance between us will just continue to grow. I keep thinking I should swallow my pride and tell her she’s right on a few points (even though I don’t believe it) just to smooth things over. But I can’t bring myself to do it. Will we ever be as close as we were? — Family Divided

Dear Family: This election year has done a number on many families. Based on what I’ve heard from other readers, the disagreeme­nt you and your sister are having is happening at tables all across the nation.

It’s entirely possible — healthy, even — to love someone who has different opinions. You eliminate a lot of frustratio­n once you realize that yelling never changed anybody’s mind. Embrace the relief that comes with agreeing to disagree.

That said, I’m sure that if you two made a list of all the things you have in common, it would be much longer than the list of all the things you don’t. You’re just obsessing over the latter. Remember: You were sisters long before you even knew what a Democrat or Republican is. Give her a call today, and talk about your children, your health, a good book you’re reading — anything but politics.

Dear Annie: This is in response to ”Between a Rock and a Hard Place in Ohio,” whose 13-year-old daughter was invited to a birthday party at the mall. A four-hour unchaperon­ed mall birthday party for 13-year-olds? The invited girl’s mother’s concern was legitimate.

I would like to point out that many malls (at least in my area) do not allow anyone younger than 18 to wander freely in the mall without parental supervisio­n, for good reason. A more organized party should have been planned by the birthday girl’s mother, perhaps with a meal at a designated mall restaurant and an hour of shopping and/or a movie afterward. That would have been more responsibl­e. What was the mother thinking?

And as far as supervisio­n goes, I once walked into a tea shop and watched two girls of about that same age helping themselves to endless cups of tea while other shoppers were on standby for a sample to be provided by the hostess. The supervisin­g adult was present but outside the store on her smartphone and oblivious to what was going on — and she most likely didn’t care. Parents, please wake up! — A Daily Reader

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