Las Vegas Review-Journal

Russia convicts journalist who resides in U.S.


U.S. journalist and author Masha Gessen was convicted in absentia Monday by a Moscow court on charges of spreading false informatio­n about the military and was sentenced to eight years in prison.

The Moscow-born Gessen, a staff writer for The New Yorker and a columnist for The New York Times who lives in the U.S., is a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and an award-winning writer.

Russian police put Gessen on a wanted list in December, and Russian media reported the case was based on statements they made about atrocities in the Ukrainian town of Bucha in an interview with a popular Russian online blogger.

In the interview, which has been viewed more than 6.5 million times on Youtube since September 2022, Gessen and blogger Yury Dud discussed atrocities in the Ukrainian town of Bucha earlier that year.

Ukrainian troops who retook Bucha from retreating Russian forces found at least 400 bodies of men, women and children on the streets, in homes, and in mass graves, with some showing signs of torture. Russian officials have vehemently denied their forces were responsibl­e and have prosecuted a number of Russian public figures for speaking out about Bucha.

The prosecutio­ns were carried out under a Russian law adopted days after the invasion of Ukraine began that effectivel­y criminaliz­ed any public expression about the war deviating from the Kremlin narrative. Russia maintains that its troops in Ukraine only strike military targets, not civilians.

Gessen, a dual U.s.-russian citizen, lived in Russia until 2013, when the country passed legislatio­n against the LGBTQ+ community.

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Masha Gessen

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