Las Vegas Review-Journal

Automakers worry Chinese EVS could reach U.S. via Mexico

- By Paul Wiseman

WASHINGTON — It’s a scenario that terrifies America’s auto industry.

Chinese carmakers set up shop in Mexico to exploit North American trade rules. Once in place, they send ultra-low-priced electric vehicles streaming into the United States.

As the Chinese EVS go on sale across the country, America’s homegrown EVS — costing an average of $55,000, roughly double the price of their Chinese counterpar­ts — struggle to compete. Factories close. Workers lose jobs across America’s industrial heartland.

It would all become a painful replay of how government-subsidized Chinese competitio­n devastated American industries from steel to solar equipment over the past quarter-century. This time, it would be electric vehicles, which America’s automakers envision as the core of their business in the coming decades.

Low-priced Chinese EVS pose a potentiall­y “extinction-level event” for America’s auto industry, the Alliance for American Manufactur­ing has warned.

Especially worrisome: The 2020 U.s.-mexico-canada Agreement would let Chinese cars assembled in Mexico enter the United States duty-free or at a nominal 2.5 percent tariff rate. Either way, China could sell its EVS well below typical U.S. prices.

To defuse the threat, the U.S. has options. Customs officials could rule that Chinese EVS don’t qualify for the low-duty or duty-free benefits of being made in Mexico. U.S. policymake­rs could also pressure Mexico to keep Chinese vehicles out of that country. Or they could bar Chinese EVS from the U.S. on the grounds that they would threaten America’s national security.

The threat from Beijing is emerging just as U.S. automakers face slowing EV sales. High prices and a shortage of charging stations are keeping many American consumers away.

Cheap Chinese EVS might help by pushing down prices, accelerati­ng sales and encouragin­g investment in charging stations. “It would be cheaper just to let the Chinese cars come in, forget all the tariffs and subsidies, let the market figure it out,” said Christine Mcdaniel, a senior research fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center. “Yes, it would be disruptive. But EVS would get on the road in the U.S. a lot faster.”

At stake is who stands to dominate the manufactur­e and sale of zero-emissions electric vehicles.

China has taken a daunting lead. It accounted for nearly 62 percent of the 10.4 million battery-powered EVS produced worldwide last year. The United States made 1 million — less than 10 percent of the total, according to Globaldata.

Chinese automakers have made remarkable strides holding down costs. China’s BYD last year introduced a small EV called the Seagull that sells for just $12,000 in China ($21,000 for a version sold in four Latin American countries). The Seagull’s lightweigh­t design allows it to go farther per charge on a smaller battery.

Critics note that BYD and other Chinese EV makers have achieved their cost efficienci­es thanks to heavy subsidies from the Beijing government. The Chinese government spent more than $130 billion on EVS and other green vehicles from 2009 through 2021, according to the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies.

Last month, President Joe Biden raised the tariff on Chinese EVS, from the 27.5 percent establishe­d during Donald Trump’s presidency to 102.5 percent. It’s meant to price even the bargain-priced BYD Seagull out of the U.S. market.

The U.s.-mexico-canada Agreement, though, potentiall­y lets vehicles assembled by Chinese companies in Mexico enter the U.S. at a much lower tariff or none at all. If made-in-mexico cars met the USMCA’S requiremen­ts, they could enter the United States duty-free. At least 75 percent of a car and its parts would have to come from North America. And at least 40 percent of it must originate in places where workers earn at least $16 an hour.

Still, for a Chinese EV maker like BYD, qualifying for duty-free treatment under the USMCA would be difficult. “Even North American automakers have a challengin­g time reaching those thresholds,” said Daniel Ujczo of the Thompson Hine law firm.

 ?? Ng Han Guan The Associated Press ?? Sales staff work near the Seagull electric vehicle from Chinese automaker BYD at a showroom in April in Beijing. China accounted for nearly 62 percent of the 10.4 million battery-powered EVS produced worldwide last year.
Ng Han Guan The Associated Press Sales staff work near the Seagull electric vehicle from Chinese automaker BYD at a showroom in April in Beijing. China accounted for nearly 62 percent of the 10.4 million battery-powered EVS produced worldwide last year.

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