Las Vegas Review-Journal

How to Read the Mutual Fund Tables


Name: Name of mutual fund and family. Obj: The fund’s objective group. Abbreviati­ons listed below. NAV: Net asset value. Chg: Net change in price of NAV from previous day. Rtn: The fund’s total return, or percent change in NAV

for the time period shown, with dividends reinvested. If period longer than 1 year, return is annualized.

Rank: Fund’s letter grade compared with others in the same objective group; an A indicates fund performed in the top 20 percent; an E, in the bottom 20 percent.

Footnotes: b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA - not available. p - previous day´s net asset value. s - fund split shares during the week. x - fund paid a distributi­on during the week.

Fund Objectives: AL: Allocation - 70-85% Equity, AM: Multialter­native, BB: Commoditie­s Broad Basket, BL: Bank Loan, BM: Bear Market, CA: Allocation - 30-50% Equity, CC: Consumer Defense, CD: Consumer Cyclical, CH: CI: Intermedia­te-term Bond, CL: Long-term Bond, CR: Multicurre­ncy, CS: China Region, Short-term Bond, CV: DP: Diversi ed Paci c/asia, EB: Emerging-markets Bond, EE: Equity Convertibl­es, Energy, EI: EM: ES: Europe Stock, FA: Foreign Small/midvalue, India Equity, Diversi ed Emerging Markets, FB: FF: FG: Foreign Large-growth, FQ: Foreign Small/ Foreign Large-blend, Managed Futures, Mid-blend, FR: FV: FX: Single Currency, GI: Intermedia­te Foreign Small/mid-growth, Foreign Large-value, Government, GL: GR: GS: HM: High-yield Muni, Long Government, Global Real Estate, Short Government, HY: High-yield Bond, IB: IC: ID: IE: Trading-inverse World Bond, Trading-inverse Commoditie­s, Industrial­s, Equity, IH: IP: IS: JS: Japan Stock, World Allocation, In ation-protected Bond, Trading-miscellane­ous, LB: Large Blend, LC: LE: LG: Large Growth, Trading-leveraged Commoditie­s, Trading-leveraged Equity, LO: Long-short Equity, LP: LS: LV: Large Value, MA: Energy Limited Partnershi­p, Latin America Stock, Allocation - 50-70% Equity, MB: MC: MF: Mid-cap Blend, Muni California Long, Muni California Intermedia­te, MG: Mid-cap Growth, MI: MJ: ML: Muni National Intermedia­te, Muni New Jersey, Muni National Long, MN: Muni New York Intermedia­te, MQ: MO: MP: Miscellane­ous Region, Muni Ohio, Muni Pennsylvan­ia, MR: Miscellane­ous Sector, MS: MT: MU: MV: Muni National Short, Muni Massachuse­tts, Multisecto­r Bond, Mid-cap Value, MY: ND: NE: NT: Muni New York Long, Trading-inverse Debt, Market Neutral, Nontraditi­onal Bond, PJ: RI: RR: SB: Paci c/asia ex-japan Stock, Target-date Retirement, Preferred Stock, Small Blend, SC: Communicat­ions, SF: SG: SH: SI: Financial, Small Growth, Health, Muni Single State Intermedia­te, SL: Muni Single State Long, SM: SN: SP: SR: Muni Minnesota, Natural Resources, Equity Precious Metals, Real Estate, SS: ST: SU: SV: TA: Muni Single State Short, Technology, Utilities, Small Value, Target-date 2000-2010, TD: TE: TG: TH: TI: Target-date 2015, Target-date 2020, Target-date 2025, Target-date 2030, Target-date 2035, TJ: TK: TL: TN: Target-date 2040, Target-date 2045, Target-date 2055, Target-date 2050, TW: TV: UB: VD: Corporate Bond, Tactical Allocation, Ultrashort Bond, Trading-leveraged Debt, VL: Stable Value, VO: WS: XM: XO: XQ: Volatility, World Stock, Allocation - 85+% Equity, Infrastruc­ture, Target-date XR: XS: XP: 2060+, Option Writing, Long-short Credit, Emerging-markets Local-currency Bond, XY: - 15-30% Allocation Equity. Data based on NAVS reported to Morningsta­r by 6 p.m. Eastern.

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