Las Vegas Review-Journal

Police converge on UC Irvine, make arrests

Pro-palestinia­n protesters occupied science building

- By Hannah Fry, Terry Castleman, Ruben Vives, Richard Winton and Libor Jany

IRVINE, Calif. — Police began making arrests Wednesday evening on the campus of UC Irvine several hours into a pro-palestinia­n demonstrat­ion in which protesters occupied and barricaded a university building.

The university said that around 2:30 p.m. “a group of several hundred protesters” entered the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall, a large indoor amphitheat­er.

UCI faculty on hand to observe the protest said, however, that figure was inflated and fewer than a dozen protesters entered the building.

In the hours after the protest broke out, social media was flooded with images of the large contingent of law enforcemen­t that had converged on campus.

Meryem Kamil, an assistant professor of film and media studies, said she was late in arriving to the demonstrat­ion because she had to finish teaching a class. But when she arrived, she quickly joined the group of students gathered near the lecture hall, she said in a phone interview. As she spoke, she said police in tactical gear were “kettling” the group she was with — or corralling protesters into a smaller space.

She said she had seen or heard about at least 15 people being arrested so far, including other professors, graduate and undergradu­ate students and city residents. Although her research focuses on Palestine, Kamil said her primary reason for being at the protest was to ensure the safety of students.

Earlier in the day, the university had alerted students to instruct them to shelter in place. That order was rescinded by about 6 p.m., with officials urging those who had remained in buildings near the protest site to exit and avoid the area.

The building takeover was broadcast live on Instagram by several pro-palestinia­n accounts. The videos showed a hectic scene as students clad in kaffiyehs ran to and from the area by the lecture hall, setting up a wooden fence barrier, tents, signs and other materials.

As many as 200 law enforcemen­t officers were on campus. In helmets and carrying batons, they formed lines at the protest site. By around 5:30 p.m., several demonstrat­ors had been taken into custody, and officers were ripping down some of the tents and barriers. A group of officers also began to enter the lecture hall.

Protesters had chained and tied the doors shut, a law enforcemen­t source said.

Law enforcemen­t officers from across the region responded to a call for support by UCI police. Agencies included the California Highway Patrol, Orange County Sheriff ’s Department and police department­s from Santa Ana, Fullerton and the city of Orange.

According to students, Wednesday’s action by protesters was taken after members of the protest negotiatin­g team were suspended by the university. “They forced our hand,” said a student who declined to give her name for fear of retaliatio­n by the university.

Police gave a dispersal order shortly before 4 p.m., students said.

The Orange County district attorney’s office said Wednesday evening that any person who was arrested for failing to disperse would be charged.

“The right to peaceful assembly is a constituti­onal right and we encourage protesters to exercise their right to peaceful assembly; however, criminal activity which transcends peaceful assembly, including violence and vandalism of any kind, will not be tolerated,” Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said.

 ?? Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times ?? Protesters link arms to form a blockade Wednesday in front of the Physical Sciences building at the University of California, Irvine.
Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times Protesters link arms to form a blockade Wednesday in front of the Physical Sciences building at the University of California, Irvine.

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