Las Vegas Review-Journal

GOP sees opening vs. Biden

- By Alexandra Jaffe The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A sexual assault allegation is raising Joe Biden’s first big challenge as the Democrats’ presidenti­al nominee, fueling Republican attacks and leaving many in his own party in an uncomforta­ble bind.

Biden’s campaign has denied the allegation from his former Senate staffer, Tara Reade, who has said Biden assaulted her in the basement of a Capitol Hill office building in the 1990s. But the story garnered fresh attention this week after two of Reade’s associates said she previously told them about elements of her allegation­s.

Republican­s are seizing on the allegation to portray Democrats as hypocrites who only defend women who allege wrongdoing against conservati­ves.

Democrats, meanwhile, are in an awkward position of vigorously validating women who come forward with their stories while defending the man who will be their standard bearer in what many in the party consider the most important election of their lifetimes.

The tension is heightened because

Biden himself is saying nothing about the allegation.

Like many Americans, he has spent the past several weeks at home to prevent the spread of the coronaviru­s. He hasn’t held a press briefing since April 2, before multiple news organizati­ons reported Reade’s story.

The public appearance­s he has made, such as fundraiser­s or events alongside prominent Democrats, have been controlled.

Some Democrats say that approach isn’t working and are urging a more forceful response.

Some, most notably women, say they are paying close attention to the allegation­s, which gave them pause.

Alex Sink, a donor and former Democratic nominee for governor of Florida, said she was “not happy” to read about the allegation­s against Biden. While she still plans to vote for him, she worried his campaign was too quick to categorica­lly deny Reade’s story.

“They put themselves immediatel­y out on a limb by saying, ‘It didn’t happen. We categorica­lly deny it. It’s not true,’ ” Sink said. “That’s a dangerous position to be in because they aren’t leaving any room for themselves.”

The silence from the Biden campaign has given Republican­s an opening. The GOP argues that Democrats aren’t being consistent, pointing to the aggressive questionin­g and coverage of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he faced an allegation of sexual assault.

“The left, and their media allies, has one standard for Republican­s and another standard for Democrats like Joe Biden,” said Steve Guest, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee. “The double standard is appalling.”

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