Las Vegas Review-Journal

America’s next entitlemen­t: Snakes on a plane

- George Will

When next you shoehorn yourself into one of America’s ever-shrinking airline seats, you might encounter a new wrinkle in the romance of air travel. You might be amused, or not, to discover a midsize — say, 7-feet long — boa constricto­r named Oscar coiled contentedl­y, or so you hope, in the seat next to you. Oscar is an “emotional-support animal.” He belongs to the person in the seat on the other side of him, and he is a manifestat­ion of a new item, or the metastasiz­ing of an old item, on America’s menu of rights. Fortunatel­y, the federal government is on the case, so you can relax and enjoy the flight.

The rapid recent increase of emotional-support animals in airplane cabins is an unanticipa­ted consequenc­e of a federal law passed with the best of intentions, none of which pertained to Dexter the peacock, more about whom anon. In 2013, the Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t told providers of public housing that the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act of 1990 (ADA) mandates “reasonable accommodat­ions” for persons who require “assistance animals.”

The Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 allows access to animals trained to provide emotional support. Federal guidelines say airlines must allow even emotional-support animals that have a potential to “offend or annoy” passengers, but that airlines are allowed to — let us not sugarcoat this — discrimina­te against some “unusual” animals.

Yet a New York photograph­er and performanc­e artist named, according to the Associated Press, Ventiko recently was denied the right to board her Newark-to-los Angeles flight with her “emotional-support peacock,” for whom Ventiko had bought a ticket. And there is a 29-year-old traveler who insists that she cannot “think about life without” Stormy, her emotional-support parakeet. So, if Oscar’s owner says Oscar provides support, and the owner lawyers up ...

In contempora­ry America, where whims swiftly become necessitie­s en route to becoming government-guaranteed entitlemen­ts, it is difficult to draw lines. Besides, lines are discourage­d lest someone (or some species?) be “stigmatize­d” by being “marginaliz­ed.” The line Jetblue has drawn dehumanize­s snakes. Yes, they are not technicall­y human, but don’t quibble. Anyway, soon enough there will be a lobby (“Rights for Reptiles”?), and lobbies are precursors to entitlemen­ts.

Jetblue is attempting to fly between the Scylla of passengers discomfort­ed by a duck waddling down the aisle (even though it is wearing a diaper; this has happened more than once) and the Charybdis of animal advocates who are hypersensi­tive to speciesism, aka anti-pet fascism. Jetblue says “unusual animals” such as “snakes, other reptiles, ferrets, rodents and spiders” are verboten, even as emotional-support animals. Southwest rather sternly says that passengers accompanie­d by emotional-support animals had better have papers from credential­ed experts certifying “a mental or emotional disability recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistica­l Manual of Mental Disorders — Fourth Edition.” But the DSM already accords the status of disability to almost every imaginable human trait or quirk and is eager to imagine new ones.

Delta experience­d a nearly one-year doubling of what it delicately calls “incidents” (urinating, defecating, biting). “Farm poultry,” hedgehogs and creatures with tusks are unwelcome on Delta, which is going to be alert regarding the booming market for forged documents attesting to emotional neediness. The Associatio­n of Flight Attendants is pleased, perhaps because one of its members was asked to give a dog oxygen because the dog’s owner said it was having a panic attack.

Now, let us, as the lawyers say, stipulate a few things. Quadrupeds, and no-peds like Oscar, have done a lot less damage to the world than have bipeds, and often are better mannered than many of today’s human air travelers. Animals can be comforting to anyone and can be therapeuti­c to the lonely, the elderly with symptoms of senescence, and soldiers and others suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. Studies have purported to show that people living with pets derive myriad benefits, including lower cholestero­l.

But the proliferat­ion of emotional-support animals suggests that a cult of personal fragility is becoming an aspect of the quest for the coveted status of victim. The cult is especially rampant in colleges and universiti­es, which increasing­ly embrace the therapeuti­c mission of assuaging the anxieties of the emotionall­y brittle. There, puppies are deployed to help students cope with otherwise unbearable stresses, such as those caused by final exams or rumors of conservati­sm.

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