Las Vegas Review-Journal

Vasectomie­s lead to more and better sex


Q: I’m thinking about getting a vasectomy. We have two kids, and that’s perfect for us. This seems like the best method of birth control. Are there any downsides? — Glen H., Cincinnati

A: A vasectomy is a relatively safe and simple procedure: The vas deferens (sperm canal) is detached from each testicle. You’ll need an ice pack to control swelling and will experience slight discomfort, but you should be up and running in seven to 10 days.

The process is 99.9 percent effective as birth control and as a bonus, there’s some new, good news about an unexpected benefit: When a guy wants to and does eliminate the possibilit­y of pregnancy, his enjoyment of sex increases.

According to a study from Germany’s Frankfurt University of 279 heterosexu­al men who had vasectomie­s, guys develop a stronger sex drive, have sex more frequently and experience better orgasms post-vasectomy. But beware. It can take up to three months to clear the sperm out of your ejaculate, so stick with your current birth control method during those three months.

Q: Yesterday I didn’t have high blood pressure; now, even though my numbers haven’t changed, my doc says I have prehyperte­nsion. What’s going on? — Greg F., Chicago

A: After a very careful review of old and current research, the AHA lowered its definition of stage 1 hypertensi­on from 140/90 to 130/80.

But there’s more…

■ Normal BP is now considered less than 120 over less than 80.

■ Prehyperte­nsion is 120129 over 80 or less.

■ Stage 2 hypertensi­on is 140 or higher over 90 or higher.

■ Hypertensi­ve crisis is 180 and/or 120 or higher.

Lifestyle changes you should embrace include:

■ Shedding just nine pounds (if you’re overweight). That could lower systolic pressure (the top number) by 4.5 mmhg and diastolic pressure (the bottom number) by 3 mmhg.

■ Adopting the DASH or a Mediterran­ean diet that emphasizes fresh produce and eliminatio­n of processed foods and red meats. Also, cut sodium consumptio­n and limit alcohol.

■ Taking potassium supplement­s (they relax blood vessels), unless you have kidney disease, or take meds that block potassium secretion. Ask your doc!

■ Getting 10,000 steps daily and two to three strength-building sessions weekly.

Email questions for Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen to youdocsdai­ly@sharecare. com.

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