Las Vegas Review-Journal

GOP leaders are enabling a dangerous presidency

- E.J. Dionne

Permit me to confess: I am one of the very last people in the United States who does not consider the word “politician” to be an insult. On the contrary, the work politician­s do is important because politics is a good and essential thing in a free society. It’s the degradatio­n of politics in the Trump era we need to worry about, not politics itself.

“The business of politics is the conciliati­on of differing interests,” Bernard Crick wrote in his still-valuable 1962 book “In Defense of Politics.” Note that word “conciliati­on.” It’s the alternativ­e to outright warfare. Politics in a democratic republic assumes that we can find ways of living, working and progressin­g together even when we disagree. That’s why we need politician­s who take their vocation seriously.

Politics, at its best, is about creating a decent society, a task that can only be accomplish­ed when citizens find ways of cooperatin­g. One of the best descriptio­ns of what our aspiration­s should be was offered by the political philosophe­r Michael Sandel. “When politics goes well,” he wrote, “we can know a good in common that we cannot know alone.”

President Donald Trump has always prided himself on being an anti-politician. This is supposed to be one of his greatest assets. But he has thrown our government into chaos and our country into tumult precisely because his disrespect for politics and what it requires leads him to debase our public life. He offers a torrent of lies, willfully tries to tear the country apart — his Oct. 11 tweet continuing his verbal war on kneeling NFL players epitomizes his eagerness to polarize — and puts everyone else down because doing so is the only way he knows how to lift himself up.

Trump takes no responsibi­lity for — well, anything. “We’re not getting the job done,” Trump said in a very brief moment of truthfulne­ss last Monday. But he quickly added. “And I’m not going to blame myself, I’ll be honest.” That “I’ll be honest” might have been accompanie­d by a laugh track. Yes, Trump honestly believes that everyone else is to blame for everything.

Many of Trump’s lies are hideously personal. His false charge that President Barack Obama failed to phone or speak to the families of members of the armed services killed in the line of duty was particular­ly sordid.

And Trump’s track record with the truth and his monumental insensitiv­ity to others make it hard to believe his tweeted denial that he told a grieving soldier’s widow that her husband knew “what he signed up for.” The credibilit­y of the denial was further undercut when Cowanda Jones-johnson, the mother of the late Sgt. La David T. Johnson, told the Washington Post that Trump had spoken to the family as had been reported and “did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband.”

It has become a dreary Washington game to ask at what point Republican politician­s (besides Sens. Bob Corker and John Mccain and a few others) will stand up for basic decency by telling Trump: enough. Up to now, most have cravenly absorbed all manner of insults, accepted unspeakabl­e unseemline­ss, and sat by with wan smiles as Trump left them hanging by shifting his positions moment to moment.

On Tuesday, Trump suggested he would back a bill negotiated by Sens. Lamar Alexander, R-tenn., and Patty Murray, D-wash., to stabilize the Affordable Care Act’s insurance markets. But on Wednesday, the president tweeted that while he was “supportive of Lamar as a person,” he could “never support bailing out ins co’s who have made a fortune w/ O’care.” Not to worry. Alexander said the president had called him to be “encouragin­g about the bipartisan agreement.” Trump’s incomprehe­nsible signaling, in Alexander’s view, was an effort “to reserve his options.”

Sorry, but all Republican politician­s who take their obligation­s seriously must stop rationaliz­ing the irrational and say what has long been obvious, that Trump’s way of doing business is unproducti­ve, erratic, mean and scary. Until this happens, Republican­s deserve to be seen as enablers of a dangerous presidency.

Alas, you can count on GOP leaders to maintain their complicity until the tax cut that is their lodestar is enacted into law. On this question, Trump and his party are at one in offering misleading claims that their bill is designed primarily to help average Americans when in fact its largest benefits will flow to the very wealthy.

But is a tax cut worth the price of colluding to undermine an honorable profession?

E.J. Dionne is a columnist for The Washington Post.

 ?? DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? President Donald Trump pauses during a joint news conference with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece on Tuesday in the Rose Garden of the White House. Tsipras once said Trump represente­d a set of “evil” ideas.
DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES President Donald Trump pauses during a joint news conference with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece on Tuesday in the Rose Garden of the White House. Tsipras once said Trump represente­d a set of “evil” ideas.

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