Las Vegas Review-Journal

Trump wrong to oust diplomats


Not since the Cold War has there been a diplomatic mystery as intriguing as the “sonic weapon” purportedl­y used against American and Canadian officials in Havana. The Trump administra­tion has yet to identify a culprit or a device that would explain the rash of symptoms among officials that were first noted months ago and acknowledg­ed in August, but these are real and deeply worrisome: hearing loss, dizziness, headaches and cognitive issues.

Every country keeps tabs on potentiall­y hostile diplomats and spies, and the Cold War spy-versus-spy games were rich in gimmickry and trickery. But deploying a tool that causes serious health problems would be a serious violation of accepted internatio­nal behavior.

Cuba’s repressive government is obviously the prime suspect. It would certainly want to keep watch over newly arrived American diplomats and intelligen­ce operatives.

If Cuba is found to have used some new device, Washington would have the obligation to respond angrily.

But until there is concrete evidence about the source of the attacks, the Trump administra­tion is wrong to expel Cuban diplomats from Washington, as it did last week.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s explanatio­n that Cuba should be punished for failing to protect American diplomats presumes that Cuba was at least aware of the attacks, which the United States has neither demonstrat­ed nor claimed.

So far, Havana has strongly denied any awareness of a sonic weapon and has actively assisted American investigat­ors. Other parties, most notably Russia, must also figure as suspects: President Vladimir Putin would probably welcome a setback to U.s.-cuban relations.

Until something more is known, punishing Havana serves only to further undermine the sensible opening to Cuba begun under President Barack Obama.

President Donald Trump has made no secret of his disdain for the détente — in June his government ordered restrictio­ns that have slowed the flow of visitors to the island, and last week the State Department warned Americans not to travel there, though there is no evidence that tourists are in danger. The sonic attacks on Americans are too serious to be used for cynical political ends.

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