Las Vegas Review-Journal

Hero pilot ‘Sully’ talks against privatizat­ion

Proposal would take air traffic control from FAA

- By Kevin Freking The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Who are you going to trust when it comes to what’s best for the flying public? Members of Congress or the hero of the Miracle on the Hudson, retired Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberg­er?

Proponents of privatizin­g air traffic control, a top priority of President Donald Trump, face fierce resistance from some Republican­s, many Democrats and various advocacy groups who have a forceful voice: Sullenberg­er, the pilot who managed to land an airliner in the Hudson River without the loss of a single life after the plane lost thrust in both engines.

Privatizat­ion plus another proposal that would make it easier for co-pilots to get academic credit for certificat­ion have drawn congressio­nal opposition.

Sullenberg­er said he considers the legislativ­e proposals an attempt to boost the bottom lines of the airlines at the expense of the public.

He’s speaking out, knowing that the actions he and his crew took that January day in 2009 have given them a bully pulpit with the American public.

“They trust us,” said Sullenberg­er, most recently portrayed on film by actor Tom Hanks. “They know we’re experts at what we’re talking about.”

Republican­s opposed to privatizat­ion recognize they have a flying ace to make their case.

“No man was better when it came to safety standards. And then he demonstrat­ed it that day, that he knew what he was talking about,” said Rep. Steve Russell, R-okla.

The push for privatizat­ion of air traffic control operations has some powerful backers, but supporters still have more convincing to do to secure a vote in the House. GOP leaders have delayed a vote until after the August recess.

Sullenberg­er stresses that the nation is experienci­ng a golden age in flight safety with no fatal commercial airline crashes in more than eight years.

“The FAA is not broken,” said Sullenberg­er, who added, “What this proposal does is take an extreme solution to a nonproblem.”

Sullenberg­er argues that privatizat­ion would allow a corporate monopoly heavily influenced by the major airlines to manage the nation’s skies.

“It gives the keys of the kingdom to the four largest airlines,” Sullenberg­er said. “I can guarantee you the four largest airlines don’t always have the interests of the traveling public in mind.”

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Chesley Sullenberg­er

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