Las Vegas Review-Journal

Study maps massive Yellowston­e volcano

Ancient system’s magma could fill Grand Canyon


Yellowston­e National Park is the home of one of the world’s largest volcanoes, capable of erupting with catastroph­ic violence at a scale never before witnessed by human beings.

In a big eruption, Yellowston­e would eject 1,000 times as much material as the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption.

A University of Utah team published a study Thursday in the journal Science with a diagram of the plumbing of the Yellowston­e volcanic system.

The report describes a large reservoir of hot rock that lies beneath a shallow magma chamber. The reservoir is 4.5 times larger than the chamber above it, with enough magma to fill the Grand Canyon. The reservoir is on top of a long plume of magma that emerges from deep within the Earth’s mantle.

The system has been in place for roughly 17 million years, with the main change being the movement of the North American tectonic plate, moving roughly an inch a year toward the southwest.

A trail of remnant calderas can be detected across Idaho, Oregon and Nevada, looking like a string of beads, marking the migration of the tectonic plate.

A similar phenomenon is seen in the Hawaiian islands as the Pacific plate moves over a hot spot, stringing out volcanoes, old to new, dormant to active.

“This is like a giant conduit. It starts down at 1,000 kilometers. It’s a pipe that starts down in the Earth,” said Robert Smith, emeritus professor of geophysics at the University of Utah and a co-author of the new paper. The lead author is colleague Hsin-Hua Huang.

This new picture doesn’t change, fundamenta­lly, the risk assessment of Yellowston­e, but it will help scientists understand the mechanics of the volcano.

The next major, calderic eruption could be within the boundaries of the park, northeast of the old caldera.

“If you have this crustal magma system that is beneath the pre-Cambrian rocks, eventually if you get enough fluid in that system, enough magma, you can create another caldera, another set of giant explosions,” Smith said.

The report is based on the equivalent of an MRI of the crust beneath Yellowston­e. Nature supplies the key diagnostic tool: earthquake­s. The Yellowston­e region is seismicall­y active, and in any given year there can be hundreds of small earthquake­s. These tremors send seismic waves racing through the planet’s crust.

Seismograp­hs around Yellowston­e and across the United States record the arrival of these waves and measure how long it took for them to reach the instrument­s. When the seismic waves hit hot rock, they go slower; when they pass through cold rock, they’re faster. By combining the data from many sensors, scientists can get a picture of the hot and cold rock beneath Yellowston­e.

This is a volcano that can erupt either in a big way or a truly colossal and catastroph­ic way. The big eruptions can send lava flowing over a big portion of the park; the really huge ones can form a giant crater, or caldera. The last time Yellowston­e had a calderic eruption was 640,000 years ago, and the misshapen hole it created was about 25 miles by 37 miles across. This caldera has since been filled in by lava flows and natural erosion, and Yellowston­e Lake covers a portion of the area.

The main visual evidence of the old caldera is the striking absence of mountains at the heart of the park: They were literally blown away in the last eruption.

Risk assessment is tricky for events like volcanic eruptions. The big Yellowston­e eruptions occur on time scales of many hundreds of thousands of years.

Smith said the repeat time for a caldera explosion at Yellowston­e is roughly 700,000 years. But there have been at least 50 smaller eruptions since the caldera exploded 640,000 years ago. The most recent was about 70,000 years ago.

 ?? ROBERT B. SMITH AND LEE J. SIEGEL/ WINDOWS INTO THE EARTH ?? In a big eruption, the Yellowston­e National Park volcano would eject 1,000 times as much material as the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption.
ROBERT B. SMITH AND LEE J. SIEGEL/ WINDOWS INTO THE EARTH In a big eruption, the Yellowston­e National Park volcano would eject 1,000 times as much material as the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption.

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