Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

The governor’s race between Adam Laxalt and Steve Sisolak remains a toss-up, analysts say.

Governor race could turn on nonpartisa­ns

- By Colton Lochhead

CARSON CITY — The race to become Nevada’s next governor comes down to a matchup of ideologica­l opposites in Democrat Steve Sisolak and Republican Adam Laxalt.

Sisolak is a businessma­n and Democratic chairman of the powerful Clark County Commission, a body that some believe wields more influence than even the state Legislatur­e. He is looking to become the state’s first Democratic governor in two decades.

Laxalt is the first-term Republican attorney general and a former Navy officer looking to follow in the footsteps of his grandfathe­r, former Nevada governor Paul


With under five months until Election Day, political analysts and observers say it’s anyone’s race.

Both the Cook Political Report and Sabato’s Crystal Ball, a product of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, list Nevada’s gubernator­ial contest as a toss-up in ratings that came out after Tuesday’s primary.

“I think it will be a tight race,” said Sig Rogich, a longtime Republican strategist and former aide to President George H.W. Bush who got his start in politics working for the elder Laxalt’s campaigns in the 1960s.

Easy road, hard road

The candidates took two very different paths to the general election ballot.

Laxalt has been the presumptiv­e Republican nominee since early 2017 after notable Republican­s, including U.S. Sen. Dean Heller, Rep. Mark Amodei and Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison, announced they wouldn’t run to replace term-limited Gov. Brian Sandoval. Laxalt had no trouble formally earning the party nomination, beating his nearest competitor by more than 60 points and nearly 90,000 votes.

Sisolak is coming in financiall­y exhausted, having spent more than $6.5 million during the primary cycle to fend off fellow commission­er Chris Giunchigli­ani.

Sisolak’s unprecende­nted primary spending, the millions of dollars from outside groups like Emily’s List and the National Education Associatio­n to support Giunchigli­ani and the sheer negativity that took hold of the race suggested a tight contest, but that wasn’t ‘the case. Sisolak took the nomination by 11 points, thanks in large part to a decisive margin in Clark County.

But while the primary was both bitter and draining, it shouldn’t hurt Sisolak come November, UNLV political science professor David Damore said.

“I don’t think he did himself irreparabl­e damage,” Damore said.

University of Nevada, Reno political science chair Eric Herzik agreed, saying Sisolak should be able to bring the more progressiv­e wing of the Democratic Party in large part because of Laxalt’s strong conservati­ve lean.

Capturing the middle

If both candidates successful­ly rally their respective bases, the general election will come down to two things: voter turnout and which candidate can better appeal to the growing number of registered nonpartisa­n voters in the purple Silver State.

Damore thinks Sisolak will perform well in Clark County, but the question is whether he will be able to generate the same kind of Democratic enthusiasm in Nevada’s only other urban hub, Washoe County, where Sisolak lost to Giunchigli­ani by nearly 13 points.

Herzik said Sisolak should be able to do well in Washoe and has the edge when it comes to the independen­t voters.

“I think Sisolak has a better inroads with nonpartisa­ns,” Herzik said. “Nonpartisa­ns are growing, and part of that growth are people who have left the Republican Party. And that’s especially true in Washoe County.”

Laxalt, Herzik added, “would be the most conservati­ve governor this state has ever seen. He’s more conservati­ve than (former Republican Gov.) Jim Gibbons.”

Rogich, meanwhile, called Sisolak a “strong candidate” and praised his work as the County Commission chairman. But Rogich said he thinks the Democratic Party agenda, which includes calls for stricter gun control and support of Planned Parenthood, is too progressiv­e for many moderates and nonpartisa­ns.

“I think it’s Adam Laxalt’s race to lose,” Rogich said. “To be governor, you have to appeal to the broader sense of what the state is all about. The left is far, far more liberal than Adam Laxalt is conservati­ve. So I think that balances out nicely for Laxalt.”

Those ideologica­l difference­s will be on full display over the next five months, with the candidates’ contrastin­g viewpoints — especially those on health care, immigratio­n, gun control and education — being the focal points of the election.

The Trump factor

And there’s the always-present element of President Donald Trump, which has factored into almost every competitiv­e special and regular election since the president took office in January 2017.

In an inidicatio­n of just how much Trump may factor into the race, his name came up in the Tuesday night election victory speeches for both candidates.

“We need a governor who gets up every day thinking about you and your family and how to make your life better. A governor who has stood up to bullies and will stand up to anyone who tries to hurt Nevada, including President Trump,” Sisolak said in his victory speech.

But Laxalt won’t run away from attacks tying him to Trump, who endorsed the attorney general in a tweet last week.

“They’re going to say I’m a puppet for the president. They’re already saying that. But Donald Trump did not fail Clark County for decades,” Laxalt said Tuesday in his speech.

 ?? Michael Quine Las Vegas Review-Journal ?? Democrat Steve Sisolak and Republican Adam Laxalt are the leading candidates for governor.
Michael Quine Las Vegas Review-Journal Democrat Steve Sisolak and Republican Adam Laxalt are the leading candidates for governor.
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