Las Vegas Review-Journal (Sunday)

Editorial Roundup

Recent editorials in newspapers in the United States and abroad:


Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) on the reality for Israel after the embassy opening (May 16):

On Monday, we saw how Israel can look so strong while also being so vulnerable.

In Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu celebrated the move of the American embassy from Tel Aviv. Netanyahu also has boasted recently about a strike against Iranian military operations in Syria that might have threatened Israel. He also had a cuddly meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, Bloomberg News and US News rank Israel’s economy among the 10 most innovative and dynamic.

About 65 miles southwest of the embassy site, however, Israel was drawing near-worldwide condemnati­on for killing 60 Palestinia­ns and wounding nearly 2,000 others during protests along the Gaza border. The protests reminded Israelis that the embassy opening cannot hold off fundamenta­l questions about the country’s future.

As with his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement, when President Donald Trump ordered the embassy moved, he did not address the day after. The decision was more about short-term political gain than long-term strategic advantage.

Gov. Rick Scott and Florida congressma­n Ron DeSantis, both Republican­s, were among the 800 invitees to Monday’s ceremony. Trump wants Scott to defeat Sen. Bill Nelson and for DeSantis to be governor. Not among the invitees were South Florida’s three Democratic members of Congress — Ted Deutch, Lois Frankel and Debbie Wasserman Schultz — all of whom are Jewish. Their statements balanced all facets of this complicate­d issue.

“While I join Americans and Israelis in celebratin­g,” Frankel said, “I remain disappoint­ed by the absence of a serious commitment to the two-state solution. Divorced from a broader peace process, relocation risks more violence between Israelis and Palestinia­ns.”

Deutch and Wasserman Schultz have called Jerusalem Israel’s “historic” and “undivided” capital. Like Frankel, however, they also have urged the Trump administra­tion to engage with Israel and the Palestinia­ns. Administra­tion officials have promised for weeks to reveal their peace plan. By moving the embassy without extracting any concession­s from Netanyahu, however, Trump may have ended America’s long role as mediator.

The crisis in Gaza dates to 2005. Under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Israel withdrew from Gaza and removed all settlers. Though it shares a short southern border with Egypt, most of Gaza is surrounded by Israel.

A year later, the Palestinia­ns held elections. Hamas faction — whose leaders have rejected Israel’s right to exist — defeated the more moderate Fatah faction. After a military conflict, Hamas ousted Fatah from Gaza.

In the West Bank, which Fatah controls, Palestinia­ns and Israelis have cooperated on security. In Gaza, Israel has fought three wars with Hamas. Each has left Gaza and its 2 million residents more decimated. Without massive investment, the water supply may run out in two years.

To Netanyahu and many Israelis, the withdrawal means Gaza is Hamas’ problem. As commentato­rs here and in Israel have pointed out, that’s not the reality.

Writing in The Forward, Peter Beinart said, “Israel still controls Gaza. It controls it in the way a prison guard might control a prison courtyard in which he never actually sets foot. Claiming that Israel divested itself of responsibi­lity for Gaza when it ‘withdrew totally’ in 2005 may ease American Jewish conscience­s. But it’s a lie.”

Though there is little debate about Hamas’ failures in Gaza and its targeting of civilians, there also is little debate that Israel has offered no plan to resolve the Gaza crisis. Whatever the tactics of this week’s protest, the humanitari­an needs will keep building. So will pressure on Israel for a better response.

Trump and other Republican­s endanger Israel’s long-term security by making Israel such a partisan issue. The embassy move is just the latest example.

Every credible poll shows support for Israel under Netanyahu is waning among American Jews, even as it increases among Republican religious conservati­ves who strongly support Trump. These “Christian Zionists,” though, see Israel more as preparing the way for the Second Coming. They are aligned with the ultra-Orthodox, who dominate religious life in Israel.

Neither group seems likely to support the two-state solution that has been American policy and which Trump also claims to support. Without that solution, Israel faces more harsh reality.

As of April, the number of Jews and Arabs living between the Jordan River and the Mediterran­ean Sea was roughly 6.5 million each. Forecasts show Jews becoming a minority. The 40 percent of Jerusalem residents who are Palestinia­ns don’t have full Israeli citizenshi­p. Some Israeli leaders want to annex the West Bank without granting citizenshi­p to the nearly 3 million Palestinia­ns.

Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, said the embassy move recognized “truth.” We hope Israel can recognize other truths, and that one day all countries will move their embassies to Jerusalem for the right reason.

The Orange County Register on President Donald Trump and the media (May 16):

When he was running for office, President Donald Trump was a fan, in theory, at least, of the regularize­d, semi-formal politician-reporter scrum known as the press conference.

He tweeted to his followers on June 6, 2016: “Crooked Hillary Clinton has not held a news conference in more than 7 months. Her record is so bad she is unable to answer tough questions!”

In politics, as in everything else, there is the theory and there is the practice. As president, Trump has been almost entirely unable to walk his talk about facing tough questions — or softballs — from the media, whose scribes in turn report back to Americans the answers to their questions and the mood inside the room.

Trump’s first, and last, press conference as president was held a few weeks after his inaugurati­on in January 2017. Since then, while he has indeed shouted out a few comments while walking toward his helicopter and responds sometimes to queries in what are called “gaggles” — spur-of-the-moment interactio­ns with the small rotating press pool that follows him around and reports back to other news organizati­ons — he has never met with reporters in an open session.

Having held just one press conference in his presidency sets a record for contempora­ry times going back at least to Lyndon Johnson’s administra­tion. By a year into their presidenci­es, President George W. Bush had held five solo press conference­s, and President Barack Obama had held 11.

Times change — and how — and no president is under any actual obligation to meet with members of the press, no matter how good an idea those of us in the media think having an open conversati­on in person rather than through subordinat­es or electronic devices might be.

But it is absurd to contend, as deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters did recently to The Daily Beast, that “The president and his administra­tion have been one of the accessible administra­tions,” or that the notion that Trump “engages daily with the American people” — presumably through Twitter — is anything like a substitute for answering real questions from real reporters.

Of course, the press has reason to be careful about what we wish for when it comes to White House news conference­s. At the one such session Feb. 16, 2017, Trump lashed out at what he again called “fake news” in the media.

“Tomorrow, they will say, ‘Donald Trump rants and raves at the press.’ I’m not ranting and raving. I’m just telling you. You know, you’re dishonest people.”

The president’s entire business career has been based on cultivatin­g reporters to tell his stories. So why bite the hand that has always fed him?

Well, a question such as that is just what reporters could ask if he were to meet the press. Instead, Trump again last week asked a question that is so very evidently wrong in its basic assumption: “Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt?” Work so hard in what way? And he followed that rhetorical question with another, suggesting that he would rather the question-askers just disappear: “Take away credential­s?”

Not a presidenti­al hypothetic­al that bodes well for a healthy democracy.

The Japan News says China’s buildup of aircraft carriers will heighten tension (May 15):

This can be considered part of China’s strategy for expanding its military clout in rivalry with the United States. It is essential to be vigilant for any Chinese move that could drasticall­y change the global security environmen­t.

China’s first domestical­ly manufactur­ed aircraft carrier has undergone sea trials. The carrier will enter service as early as next year.

It is China’s second carrier following the Liaoning, whose hull was bought from Ukraine, refitted in China and put into commission in 2012. The third carrier is now under constructi­on in Shanghai, while a project to build a nuclear carrier has also surfaced.

The country plans to have four or more carriers in the future and aims to operate an aircraft carrier group, including submarines and destroyers. Although there are many tasks that need to be addressed in terms of performanc­e, such rapid preparatio­n is unpreceden­ted.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also head of the Chinese military, gave an admonitory address at a naval review in the South China Sea in April, calling for efforts to build a world-class navy. There is no doubt that he considers aircraft carriers as a core of his country’s buildup of military capability alongside strategic missiles and submarines in which U.S. forces are overwhelmi­ngly dominant.

The U.S. Navy has 11 aircraft carriers, the largest number owned by a single country in the world, and plans to add one more. India, which is beset with territoria­l and other issues with China, is moving ahead with building an aircraft carrier. It is a matter of concern that China’s moves could spur an arms race.

The Xi administra­tion envisages a strategy of securing command of the air and seas, going beyond the “first island chain” — China’s original defense line linking the south of Kyushu, Okinawa, Taiwan and so forth, all the way to the “second island chain,” covering the Izu Islands down to Guam.

The Liaoning has repeatedly been utilized for fighter jet takeoff and landing drills in the South China Sea and the Pacific. With an eye on unificatio­n with Taiwan, the aim of enhancing the ability to deter an interventi­on by U.S. forces is obvious.

During the Taiwan Strait crisis in 1996, when China intimidate­d Taiwan with missile drills, the United States sent two aircraft carriers to contain China. China seems to want to ward off such a developmen­t from recurring.

There is also the possibilit­y of China operating its aircraft carrier as standard practice in the South China Sea, thus reinforcin­g its effective control over the area. U.S. forces have conducted patrols around artificial islands China built in order to maintain freedom of navigation. A rise in regional tensions would be inevitable.

Los Angeles Times says underminin­g an effective birth control funding program to promote abstinence is a bad move (May 14):

For nearly half a century, the Title X Family Planning Program has been a crucial source of federal dollars for family planning and related health care services for low-income Americans. Enacted with bipartisan support in 1970, the program’s mandate to provide “a broad range of acceptable and effective family planning methods and services” has helped millions of lower-income women each year obtain contracept­ives and take control of their destinies, at least in terms of deciding if and when to have children.

In 2015, according to a federal government report, more than 4 million patients (the vast majority of them women) got health care through Title X funds, including screening for breast and cervical cancers and sexually transmitte­d diseases. Researcher­s at the Guttmacher Institute, which supports reproducti­ve rights, estimates that Title X care helped women avoid more than 800,000 unintended pregnancie­s that year.

The program has survived numerous changes of administra­tions over the decades, carrying out its mission relatively unscathed by politics. But the biggest provider of Title X services is also the GOP’s current favorite health care punching bag: Planned Parenthood, which operates 13 percent of the clinics funded under the program and cares for about 40 percent of the patients. And now the Trump administra­tion is steering the program itself in the wrong direction.

Recently released guidelines for providers applying for funds signaled such a disturbing shift away from the program’s previous guidelines and statutory mandate that it triggered two lawsuits. The complaints — filed on behalf of three state Planned Parenthood groups and the National Family Planning & Reproducti­ve Health Associatio­n — argue that the Department of Health and Human Services is unlawfully directing applicants to emphasize natural family planning or abstinence as birth control. They’ve asked for an injunction that would stop the new guidelines from being implemente­d, and the courts should grant it.

The problem isn’t that the new guidelines instruct service providers to offer natural family planning (the calendar, or “rhythm,” method of birth control) and abstinence as possible methods of birth control. The Title X statute requires as much, and Planned Parenthood officials say they have always offered these options in their clinics.

But the previous guidelines (from 2016) also emphasized that providers should offer the full range of FDA-approved contracept­ives, or justify why any of the methods were not offered. The new guidelines don’t even mention the word “contracept­ive.” Instead, they instruct providers to put a “meaningful emphasis” on counseling that extols the benefits of avoiding the risks of sex outside marriage, both for adolescent­s and adults.

No one disputes that abstinence is guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. What’s not guaranteed is that people will actually abstain. And if they have no other birth control informatio­n, they’re ill equipped to protect themselves. Study after study has shown that encouragin­g young people to abstain from sex without giving them informatio­n about other forms of birth control only means that when they do have sex, they’re more likely to have unintended pregnancie­s and contract sexually transmitte­d diseases.

In a 2017 review of studies and policies for the Journal of Adolescent Health, researcher­s found that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs “have little demonstrat­ed efficacy in helping adolescent­s to delay intercours­e.” And while those programs were theoretica­lly protective against pregnancy and sexually transmitte­d infections, the review found, “in actual practice, (such) programs often fail to prevent these outcomes.”

Just as troubling — and even more dramatic — is the administra­tion’s decision to remake the successful federal Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program to emphasize abstinence-only counseling. As HHS concedes, teen pregnancie­s nationwide have dropped steadily, hitting a record low in 2016. Where they remain high is among teens of color and in low-income households. But those statistics don’t justify an abstinence-only approach. What poor and underserve­d population­s need is better access to health care centers offering a wide range of birth control methods and education programs that have already proven successful.

Charleston (W.Va.) Gazette on a recent attack in Canada aimed at women (May 14):

When a young Canadian committed a massacre recently by driving a rental truck into Toronto pedestrian­s, many people at first assumed it was another jihadist terror attack. But it actually was an entirely different type of menace.

Alek Minassian, 25, was spurred by woman-hating, fostered by an online community of bitter men who call themselves “incels” (involuntar­ily celibate). Minassian posted a boast that he would wage an “incel rebellion” by killing women and their male partners. He was charged with 10 counts of murder and 13 counts of attempted murder.

The Toronto tragedy triggered reports on the dangerous new “incel” movement. Criminolog­ist Simon Cottee wrote that some young men who cannot find girlfriend­s or lovers voice their frustratio­n on special websites for such loners. They reinforce each other’s feelings and hostilitie­s in online echo chambers.

“They are ashamed of their sexual failure,” he wrote. “At the same time, they are resentful of the sexual success of others, which amplifies their own sense of inadequacy ... . (They) rationaliz­e their shame and redirect the blame for their failure onto women.”

Cottee said the deprived men think that attractive women are “having sex with everyone but them.” The “incels” demonize younger women — and also hate males accepted by the females.

The first known “incel” attack was committed in 2014 by 22-year-old Elliot Rodger in California. Armed with three pistols, he killed six people, including college sorority girls, and drove his car into others. Cornered by police, he killed himself in his car. He became an idol of the online “incel” movement.

Perhaps the phenomenon echoes a 1966 tragedy in which an alcoholic petty criminal named Richard Speck stabbed and strangled eight student nurses in a Chicago dormitory.

Cruel atrocities aimed at women who are minding their own business are not relegated to other cultures and other parts of the world. These examples show hatred of women is alive, and possibly thriving in the West.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS ?? At left, Palestinia­ns protest May 14 near the border of Israel and the Gaza Strip. On the same day at right, dignitarie­s including, from left, Sara Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, applaud at the...
ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS At left, Palestinia­ns protest May 14 near the border of Israel and the Gaza Strip. On the same day at right, dignitarie­s including, from left, Sara Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, applaud at the...

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