Lake County Record-Bee

Cooperatio­n group forgets to cooperate

- — Disappoint­ed

DEAR AMY >> I'm a member of a politicall­y-based affinity group that is going through a lot of dysfunctio­n; it all boils down to an insular, cult-mentality kind of vibe.

Our group refuses to cooperate with anyone who doesn't share our exact (very niche) politics.

However, we're supposed to be a political education group, so this attitude really bogs us down, especially when we're also dealing with weekly events, a highmainte­nance guest speaker (who's now canceled because he didn't find our proposed event “fun”), conflicts over branding in our newsletter, activist burnout, and more.

One member in particular gets under my skin; she doesn't want to promote events due to fears about law enforcemen­t showing up, even though the events in question are literally discussion groups.

I'm the point person for promotion, but I can't do anything because my fellow organizers think small ideologica­l difference­s equal mortal enemies.

We have to coalition-build to meet any of our goals (especially because we're going for a significan­t societal change). Members are aware of this in theory but get ornery whenever I try to propose this.

I brought this up at a meeting, and it turns out that most people agree with me and think we need to reach out to the community; there are just a few very outspoken people who don't.

When new people show up at meetings, members are polite but standoffis­h.

What should I do to help those people see reason and get my affinity group off the ground?

Or should I just get off this slowly sinking ship?

— Organizer With a Problem

DEAR ORGANIZER >> I think you should stage a coup. You should review the group's mission statement or statement of purpose, and if this is in conflict with the way the group actually operates, you should raise this publicly, suggest specific changes to the way the group operates, and ask for a vote.

State your case clearly and passionate­ly. Continue to advocate during meetings. And if you don't see significan­t change, then yes — you should found or join another organizati­on that aligns more closely with your goals for communicat­ion and inclusion.

DEAR AMY >> I was so disappoint­ed in your response to “Anxious Aunt,” whose niece was going to be married in Europe.

You really fell down on the job. You should have advised her to get herself to Europe for this wedding ... with bells on!

DEAR DISAPPOINT­ED >> This Anxious Aunt did not want to go to Europe. She didn't want to go.

I do try to encourage people to step outside of their comfort zones, but if a person writing to me states clearly that they don't want to do something (and their reasons are completely logical), then I think it is most respectful of me to take them at their word.

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