La Semana



Small, medium and large, but extremely furry audiences

ocked to a movie screening in Los Angeles, along with their owners. There are 219 dogs who all watched the production entitled Paw Patrol: The super#lm before the premiere.

With this, an event took place that managed to set a Guinness World Record in the category of “@lm screening attended by the most dogs”. The previous record was 199 dogs exactly one year ago. The event was not only for the promotion of the @lm: in addition to the Paramount studio, which produces and distribute­s the cinema, the other organizer was an animal protection organizati­on, the Best Friends Animal Society, they hope that the new record can make many people want to add a man’s best friend to their family . The third sponsor, Street Food Cinema, provided snacks for the enthusiast­ic audience, since not only people like to munch while watching a movie.

Paw Patrol: The Super Movie is the second cinematic adventure of the animated canine heroes of the TV series, who this time save the world as superheroe­s.

The paw franchise is so strong that at the same time as the release of the second movie, Paramount and the owner of the original animated series, Nickelodeo­n, announced that the third movie will be released in 2026 , whose preparatio­ns are in an advanced state.

(By the way, on the occasion of last year’s EBS record, the heartwarmi­ng family @lm entitled A Dog Returns was shown in a drive-in cinema along Route 66, to draw attention to the small businesses lining the almost 4,000-kilometer route, which are now struggling to survive.)

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