Journal Star

Pritzker heading to Canada to discuss trade opportunit­ies

- Patrick M. Keck

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker is north of the border for a four-day trade mission in hopes of garnering stronger economic ties with Canada.

The governor will give the keynote address at the 2024 U.S.-Canada Summit in Toronto and hold meetings with business and government leaders between Monday and Thursday. He will be joined on the trip by state economic developmen­t leaders with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunit­y and Intersect Illinois, the state’s public-private business attraction organizati­on.

“For generation­s, the people of Canada and the people of Illinois have been connected in more ways than one,” Pritzker said in a news release. “As each of our economies grow and evolve, we have remained reliable partners to one another.”

Pritzker’s first internatio­nal trade mission this year, following trips to the United Kingdom and Switzerlan­d last year, will key-in on what have been major economic developmen­t priorities of his — electric vehicles and quantum technology.

Both are represente­d in the budget package he signed last week with $500 million going towards the developmen­t of a quantum campus and the creation of an incentive program to purchase electric school buses or trucks. Depending on the vehicle, eligible EV purchasers could receive anywhere from a $7,500 to $120,000 grant from the state.

The delegation will tour the Lion Electric headquarte­rs in Montreal, an electric vehicle manufactur­er who opened the nation’s largest EV facility in Joliet last July, and North America’s largest urban innovation hub, MaRS Discovery District, to discuss potential quantum investment­s.

According to the state commerce department, Canada is the largest foreign trade partner for Illinois. Together, they engaged in $92 billion — Illinois exporting $24.4 billion to Canada and importing $67.9 billion — in bilateral trade in 2022. The state mostly imported Canadian oil and gas, topping $53.5 billion, while exports of transporta­tion equipment, machinery, chemicals and food and kindred products grew by 30% from 2021.

More than 370 Canadian companies are located in Illinois that employ approximat­ely 32,000 workers in the state.

Contact Patrick M. Keck: 312-549-9340,,­ter.

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