Inyo Register

Today is the day

- By Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer

So much of the teachings and expectatio­ns of the world’s religions are about what will happen for you, or to you, in the future, whether you are rewarded or condemned for your obedience or your rebellion. So much emphasis is placed on the afterdeath experience that today is left almost untouched or fazed. In reality, today is the only day you will ever know. You can plan for tomorrow but your planning is done today. All activity of mind takes place now, not yesterday or tomorrow. So, it is time to wake up and declare, “This is the day the Lord hath made, and I will be glad in it.” I am in charge of my gladness.

God presented the opportunit­y for gladness but I have to take possession of it.

If there is a Heaven and a hell they are present right now. Personally, I have been to the top of the mountain and to the depths below. I don’t need to wait for some future date to see what it is like. Depression, poverty, and sickness are more hell than any mythical kingdom of misery. What is needed is a new design for living each day and especially today. Things are only hopeless when we stop hoping. But hope is not enough. We must take hold of the good and not let go. Remember, we are the creation of God. We didn’t choose God. God choose us. We don’t evolve to greater awareness of God. We evolve from all powerful, all-knowing, and all present energy. All of God is within each of us and like it or not we are utilizing that energy for everything we do.

There will never be more of God, abundance, health, or happiness than is available to us today. Now is the time to think on the good we wish to experience right now. Bring it into mind. When I was a child and Christmas was approachin­g, my mother would make plans to take my brother and me to the department stores in Los Angeles, because that’s where Santa Claus would be. Each store had their own Santa. Every year I saw the Santa in Broadway, another in May Co., and yet, one more in Bullocks. To me they were all the same guy. I told them what I wanted and left each store with great expectatio­ns. Even if I got what I desired on Christmas, I could never equal that feeling I had the day I talked to Santa. I have that same feeling when I talk to God. He is not Santa. He is me, you and every living soul.

We don’t have to wait for Christmas or any other date, the gift has already been given. God is Life and each of us is living it one day at a time. We can’t change yesterday and we can’t live tomorrow today. Today is pristine. We don’t need to sully it with past miscues or mistakes. Make it the best day of your life. Then tomorrow do same for that day. It is mind that determines happiness or sadness. Fill your consciousn­ess with as many happy thoughts as you are able. Norman Cousins cured his body of cancer by streaming The Three Stooges. He laughed himself to health.

Say to yourself, “I am One with life. God in me, as me is whole, perfect and complete. All of my good is with me right now. I let yesterday to its own time and release any cares about tomorrow. Today is my time of fulfillmen­t. I release, let go, and let God. And so it is. Amen”

God is Love and Loving You right Now !

(The Rev. Dr. Walt Sharer is minister at Bishop Church of Religious Science, located at 129 E. Line St., Bishop. Rev. Freda Lindsay and Rev. Walt officiate the weekly, Sunday services at 10 a.m. You can hear Rev. Walt’s message on “The Devotional Hour” on Sierra Wave KSRW 92.5 FM Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. The church can be reached at (760) 8734195 for more informatio­n.)

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