Imperial Valley Press

What to know about eating before a workout


Each person approaches exercise in their own unique way. Some can’t wait to get to the gym every day, while others exhibit significan­tly less enthusiasm about exercise. Some medical profession­als say the best approach to exercise is the one that inspires a consistent commitment to physical activity, but various factors, including food, merit considerat­ion when designing a workout routine.

Food provides energy for the body, so it makes sense to eat before a workout. But eating prior to a workout may not be so straightfo­rward for all exercise enthusiast­s. An examinatio­n of the dynamic between eating and exercise can help athletes find a formula that works for them.


The Hospital for Special Surgery recommends eating before exercise if it’s been two or more hours since your last meal or snack. Doing so can help to restore energy stores prior to an intense or lengthy workout. The HSS notes this approach is especially beneficial for individual­s who work out early in the morning, before lunch or after school or work, each of which are times of day when it’s typically been awhile since a person has eaten.


It’s unlikely anyone is going to want to eat a large meal before a workout. Doing so will undoubtedl­y affect performanc­e in a negative way, particular­ly if you’re eating shortly before a workout. The HSS notes that the further away a workout is from the time a person eats, the larger and more mixed that meal can be. According to the HSS, the general guideline around eating and exercise is:

■ A full meal three to four hours before exercising

■ A higher carbohydra­te snack two hours before exercising and/or a small, easily digested carbohydra­te right up until the start of a workout


If you won’t be eating a full meal before a workout, various mini snacks can provide energy without adversely affecting performanc­e. Pre-workout snacks that are low in fat and fiber are ideal, as the body can digest such foods quickly. The HSS notes half a banana, a small serving of applesauce or a handful of crackers or pretzels are a good pre-workout mini snack. A larger snack eaten a little further away from a workout can include some hummus or peanut butter. The Mayo Clinic notes yogurt, a fruit smoothie or a low-fat granola bar also make good pre-workout snacks.


The HSS notes it can help to consume some carbs during workouts that last 60 minutes or longer. Doing so can help individual­s prolong their endurance and can even help with their timing and concentrat­ion.

The relationsh­ip between eating and exercise is complicate­d. Individual­s who want to learn more are urged to work with a nutritioni­st.

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