Imperial Valley Press


- -- Arturo Bojorquez, abojorquez@ivpressonl­

State official accused of fraud

State Secretary of Public Health Alonso Perez Rico has been accused in court of allegedly defrauding a group of Ensenada businessme­n.

According to media reports, a lawsuit has been filed in Ensenada court by Ramon Alejandro Treviño Avalos, Alejandro Treviño Fisher and David Galvan Torres, owners of Hemodialis­is del Noroeste.

The businessme­n accused Perez Rico and Miguel Angel Ruvalcaba Molina, who works in the Mexican Institute of Social Security, of allegedly asking for $100,000 and 10 percent of the company in exchange of a contract with the agency.

Perez Rico was chief of medical services of the institute before becoming secretary of public health.

The lawsuit says the businessme­n paid about two-thirds of the amount requested and made Ruvalcaba Molina partner in the company.

The businessme­n were also asked to invest 7.2 million pesos to update the clinic.

In the end, the contract was assigned to another company.

When the businessme­n found out, Ruvalcaba Molina was asked to return the cash paid. He reportedly requested two months to repay the money.

Allegedly, Perez Rico asked for additional time to repay the money.

Perez Rico said the allegation­s brought in the lawsuit are false.

The state official said the lawsuit — which he denied having seen — was filed two or three years ago.

Gov. Jaime Bonilla expressed his total support for the secretary.

“They seek to accuse people who surround me,” Bonilla said. “I support you 100 percent. I know you are an honest, good person.”

Perez Rico was accused of similar allegation­s in December by owners of two companies. In the end the lawsuits were dismissed.

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