Imperial Valley Press

Cold civil war may be heating up

- MICHEAL SHANNON Michael Shannon can be reached at

Recent developmen­ts on the restaurant front are going to put a dent into “date night” plans for Kellyanne Conway and her husband. If Sarah Huckabee Sanders can’t eat in peace with her Never Trump parents in some central Virginia one-horse town, there’s no way Conway can have a sit-down dinner anywhere in D.C. or northern Virginia, and the drive-through may be out of the question, too.

Huckabee could have solved her problem by going around the corner to the Robert E. Lee Hotel for Italian. There is no way even the most self-righteous social justice warrior would follow her into an establishm­ent named after ‘Marse Robert.’

Low-level Trump administra­tion employees in Oregon should be so lucky.

For over a week in Portland, the domestic terrorist group Antifa has been blockading the entrance of the Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t building. Oregon Live reports the fascists claim they are staging their “round-the-clock occupation in opposition to the Trump administra­tion’s immigratio­n crackdown, including its policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S. border.”

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler agrees, “The policy being enacted by the federal government around the separation of very small children from their parents is an abominatio­n. I want to be very clear I do not want the @PortlandPo­lice to be engaged or sucked into a conflict, particular­ly from a federal agency that I believe is on the wrong track, that has not fully lived American values of inclusion and is also an agency where the former head suggested that people who lead cities that are sanctuary cities like this one should be arrested.”

Since Wheeler and other sanctuary politician­s are conspiring to obstruct the enforcemen­t of federal immigratio­n law, they should be arrested. If President Trump can be investigat­ed for obstructin­g an imaginary Russia collusion crime, then Wheeler should expect equal treatment for proven obstructio­n.

Wheeler proves it’s a short journey from sanctimoni­ous “sanctuary city” politician­s deciding what laws they will enforce, to deciding who qualifies for protection under the law. In Portland’s Wheeler regime, illegal aliens are immune to federal immigratio­n law, while federal employees don’t qualify for protection by the police.

I’m reasonably sure Wheeler isn’t a religious man, but what he’s done is equivalent to being excommunic­ated by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. The protection of government is removed from the excommunic­ated, and they are on their own.

Wheeler’s denying federal employees protection under the law covers all the bases of lawlessnes­s. It’s a direct violation of his oath of office where he pledged to “support the Constituti­ons of the United States and the State of Oregon; Charter of the City of Portland and its laws.” And selective enforcemen­t of the law violates the “equal protection” clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constituti­on.

Police Chief Danielle Outlaw appears to be a good German and is following the mayor’s orders to let lawlessnes­s reign. This really is no different from Nazi Germany, where the police were ordered by party officials to ignore “Brown Shirt” attacks on communists.

It’s only a short rotation on the color wheel from “Brown Shirt” fascists to black-clad Antifa fascists.

This is also where society begins to unravel. If federal employees doing their job for a legitimate­ly elected president can’t expect protection from local police their taxes support, then it won’t be long before the employees decide to take their safety into their own hands.

Wheeler’s us-against-them politics has aroused the interest of Uncle Sam. Usually local officials and police don’t like it when the feds start big-footing around their jurisdicti­on. Here Wheeler invites it, and the invitation has been accepted by the Federal Protective Service.

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