Imperial Valley Press

Prison labor: A legacy of involuntar­y servitude


The 13th Amendment to the United States Constituti­on abolished slavery and involuntar­y servitude. As any high school sophomore knows, President Abraham Lincoln and his Emancipati­on Proclamati­on were driving forces behind the official abolition of slavery.

The 13th Amendment was passed by Congress and ratified by the states in 1865.

However, there was a notable exception to the 13th Amendment. Slave labor and involuntar­y servitude could continue in America’s prisons “as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.” And, continue it does.

At the federal level, the Bureau of Prisons operates the Federal Prison Industries Program that pays inmates $0.90 an hour to produce everything from mattresses and spectacles to road signs for government agencies, earning the government about $500 million in sales in 2016, according to the Economist.

Overall, some estimate that prison labor generates about $2 billion of revenue annually for federal, state and local government­s and private businesses.

Prison labor has become so widely accepted that recently Caddo Parish, Louisiana Sheriff Steve Prator lamented a new state program that could release non-violent prisoners early. According to the New York Times, Prater said, “In addition to the bad ones (prisoners) ... in addition to them, they’re releasing some good ones that we use every day to wash cars, to change oil in our cars, to cook in the kitchen, to do all that, where we save money.”

Low-cost, and at times no-cost, prison labor has become so common that most people don’t even know that prisoners are providing essential services. For example, as wildfires ravage California, inmates account for about 40 percent of the firefighte­rs trying to contain the devastatin­g blazes. Thousands of state prisoners work as firefighte­rs, for as little as $2 a day. As news reports herald the heroic and dangerous work done by firefighte­r combating wildfires, few realize those efforts are being provided for practicall­y nothing.

Incarcerat­ed workers, although not expressly excluded from the definition of employee in federal labor laws, are not provided the protection­s afforded other workers because of the wording of the Constituti­on.

Courts have reasoned that the relationsh­ip between the prison and a “duly convicted” worker is penologica­l in nature and not that of an employer and employee. According to The Atlantic, incarcerat­ed persons — in spite of the 13th Amendment — lack a constituti­onal right to be free of forced servitude. The forced labor is not checked by the protection­s enjoyed by workers laboring in the exact same jobs on the other side of the wall.

Heather Thompson, a professor at the University of Michigan who studies the history of prison labor, told The American Prospect, labor unions ensured during the New Deal era that strong regulation­s on the use of prison labor were put in place, including a ban on selling prison-made goods across state lines.

However, as the prison population began growing in the 1970s, businesses began lobbying to undo many of those regulation­s. In 1979, Congress enacted a law that for the first time since the 19th century allowed private companies to “lease” prisoners for work. Matthew T. Mangino can be reach at www.mattmangin­ and follow him on Twitter @MatthewTMa­ngino

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