Imperial Valley Press

CHP officers gather for annual inspection


I MPERIAL — Despite the seriousnes­s of the occasion, many of the California Highway Patrol officers who had gathered Wednesday for their annual uniform and equipment inspection used the opportunit­y to have some good-natured fun with their colleagues.

Yet, all the light- hearted banter came to an immediate halt once Capt. Karyn Mentink came on scene to conduct the inspection.

Once the inspection of about two dozen officers was completed, the fun resumed.

“This year is kind of extra special because we got the entire crew here so we could do a group photo for the office,” Mentink said. “It’s very rare to get the entire squad together.”

As part of the annual Category 10 uniform and equipment inspection, officers had donned blue ties and campaign hats to go along with their khaki uniforms.

The annual inspection­s are meant to ensure the CHP maintains a profession­al appearance while continuing to provide safety, service and security to the motoring public.

The agency is also in the midst of a hiring campaign for both dispatcher­s and officers, and Mentink, who was among a total of two women CHP officers on hand Wednesday, said she would like to see more women apply.

“I always think adding women to law enforcemen­t agencies in general is a good thing,” the 25- year CHP veteran said. “But, we always have a hard time recruiting and retaining women.”

During the inspection, Mentink could be seen methodical­ly reviewing each officers’ uniform and firearm.

A lieutenant followed at her side, jotting down any concerns Mentink may have had with an officer’s dress or equipment, in order to be addressed later.

Once the inspection was over, law enforcemen­t personnel gathered with the office’s clerical and dispatch staff for a group photo.

Squeezed in among the crowd was CHP Explorer Genesis Silva, who has been with the program for the past several months.

Silva said he had gotten interested in a career in law enforcemen­t following a presentati­on by a CHP representa­tive at Imperial Valley College, where Silva had been studying criminal justice.

Although he had also been considerin­g join- ing the Border Patrol or possibly becoming a correction­al officer, he would ultimately gravitate toward the CHP.

“Ever since I got into the CHP Explorers program I’ve been focused on it,” the 20- year- old Calipatria resident said.

 ?? California Highway Patrol Explorer Genesis Silva (center) awaits Capt. Karyn Mentink to perform a uniform inspection on Wednesday. JULIO
California Highway Patrol Explorer Genesis Silva (center) awaits Capt. Karyn Mentink to perform a uniform inspection on Wednesday. JULIO MORALES PHOTO
 ??  ?? California Highway Patrol Capt. Karyn Mentink performs a uniform and weapon inspection of CHP officers during the agency’s annual Category 10 Class A inspection on Wednedsay at the CHP office in Imperial. JULIO MORALES PHOTO
California Highway Patrol Capt. Karyn Mentink performs a uniform and weapon inspection of CHP officers during the agency’s annual Category 10 Class A inspection on Wednedsay at the CHP office in Imperial. JULIO MORALES PHOTO

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