Houston Chronicle

Recalling dad’s labor of love


Thank you for writing

My father, Bart Busker, lost his long battle with prostate cancer on Feb. 5.

Dad got a lot of joy writing hundreds of letters to you over the years. That was one of his paths of activism — and a labor of love. Thanks for providing him with that outlet. Christian Busker, Houston

Partisan politics

Regarding the Bible verse, (A12, Feb. 7): The Houston Chronicle featured the perfect Bible verse for our divided country. Just below a photo of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shredding the State of the Union speech and President Donald Trump looking prideful is a message that all of us in Houston should practice today: “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion­ate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.” Col 3:12 Tim Logsdon, Houston

My dream: a leader for our country who is capable of reconcilia­tion following a national trauma, rather than exacting revenge against his perceived enemies. I dream of a leader who can bring out the best in all of us through example. Is this an impossible dream? Suzanne Marion, Houston

Thoughts on firings

Regarding “Trump fires impeachmen­t witnesses,” (A1, Feb. 8): I am a Republican and voted for Donald Trump. I am very pleased with his policies and the economy, but absolutely appalled at his firing of Gordon Sondland and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. I watched both of their testimonie­s. They didn’t ask to be there. They were subpoenaed! Does serving at “the pleasure of the president” mean that they were supposed to lie and go against their core principle of telling the truth to save this president who never admits to doing anything wrong? Not one person would turn me into a liar to cover up for him. Trump’s actions are reprehensi­ble. His childish antics at the National Prayer Breakfast were also hard to defend, and I won’t. It’s a conundrum for me as I will never vote for a socialist Democrat. This may be the first year in 60 years of voting that I will not cast a vote. Ginger Jones, Missouri City

President Donald Trump unceremoni­ously fired a Purple Heart recipient and lifelong public servant for simply telling the truth to Congress while under subpoena. He also fired his brother, another lifelong public servant who played no part in the impeachmen­t hearings. Ironically, the family of the men he fired fled from the Soviet Union to the United States looking for a better life, and felt assured there would be no retributio­n. “Dad, my sitting here today in the U.S. Capitol, talking to our elected officials, is proof that you made the right decision 40 years ago to leave the Soviet Union and come here to the United States of America in search of a better life for our family,” he testified. “Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.”

Trump has proven them wrong. Paula Wehrman, Fayettevil­le

 ?? Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg ?? After the Senate acquitted President Trump on two articles of impeachmen­t, he fired Ambassador Gordon Sondland and ousted Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
Andrew Harrer / Bloomberg After the Senate acquitted President Trump on two articles of impeachmen­t, he fired Ambassador Gordon Sondland and ousted Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.

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