Houston Chronicle

Opposing border wall with feds’ help

- By Laiken Jordahl Jordahl works at the Center for Biological Diversity, focused on protecting wildlife, ecosystems and communitie­s throughout the U.S.-Mexico borderland­s. The Arizona-based center has filed three lawsuits challengin­g border wall waivers in

Much has been written about the beauty and biodiversi­ty of the borderland­s, especially the Rio Grande Valley, as the Trump administra­tion moves to bulldoze through it to build border walls.

But resistance to the walls isn’t just coming from activists and communitie­s in the path of constructi­on. Many of the best arguments against Trump’s destructiv­e project actually come from his own federal experts and Texas officials.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service describes the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge as “one of the most biodiverse regions in North America” and offers a 16page tally of the hundreds of birds spotted there.

The agency also provides a list of imperiled species, like the ocelot and Texas ayenia, which need wild places along the Rio Grande to survive. According to federal planning documents, thousands of acres of this wildlife habitat will be lost to Trump’s wall.

Texas is rightly proud of its Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park, an internatio­nal bird-watching destinatio­n.

“Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park alone has an impressive list of 358 species recorded within the park’s boundaries,” boasts the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. “Some birders travel to the Bentsen to see bird species they can’t find anyplace else in the country, from the Green Jay and the Buff-bellied Hummingbir­d to the Great Kiskadee and the Altamira Oriole.”

But most of the park would end up on the south side of the proposed wall. If that happens, state officials warned last year, the 766-acre park might have to forfeit the land and close its doors to the public. That would mean giving up the 30,000plus visitors it brings to the region each year.

It could end the park’s role as a teaching center for generation­s of children and wall off one of the last places in the region where families can camp by the banks of the Rio Grande.

“The barriers to park use would weaken the ability of Bentsen-Rio Grande to perform one of its primary missions, providing access to the outdoors for local scout groups and serving as an outdoor classroom for school groups,” parks officials wrote.

Planned border walls will also cut through the National Butterfly Center and the grounds of historic La Lomita Chapel. The Trump administra­tion will even seize land from hundreds of private properties and family farms.

Trump recently waived 28 environmen­tal and public health laws in the Rio Grande Valley’s Hidalgo and Cameron counties to rush wall constructi­on. The Center for Biological Diversity, where I work, sued to challenge Trump’s reckless attempt to ignore these protection­s for clean air, clean water and endangered wildlife.

Our case notes that Congress did not intend to give the Trump administra­tion, or any administra­tion, unlimited power to build border walls wherever it wants, without following federal laws.

Texas wildlife officials certainly understand the damage these walls can do in the Rio Grande Valley, which has 54 miles of border barriers. They’ve seen it before.

In 2009, less than a year after new walls were built, the Rio Grande flooded, as it often does. Fleeing animals were trapped by a concrete border wall, unable to escape the rising floodwater­s.

After the flood, wildlife officials found hundreds of waterlogge­d shells from the Texas tortoise — a state-listed threatened species — pushed up against the wall, full of muck and rot. The agency expected the same fate for other animals, saying any ocelots or jaguarundi­s would have likely perished in the floodwater­s.

The bottom line: This is no place for border walls, and not only because they don’t stop people from crossing. This is some of the most biodiverse, breathtaki­ng country in North America, where people and animals have lived for millennia.

With so few wild places left, we have to protect these last havens for wildlife and outdoor recreation in the Rio Grande Valley. Texans shouldn’t let Trump’s wall smash these natural treasures.

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