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How a tsunami in Japan endangered children in Cambodia

- By Donald G. McNeil, Jr. | New York Times

The tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, now threatens the developing brains of children in Cambodia — but not for reasons that were ever expected.

Cambodia has long struggled with iodine deficiency. The element is crucial to early brain growth: When pregnant women and their infants have low levels, the children can permanentl­y lose 10 to 15 IQ points. Iodine deficiency is considered the world’s leading preventabl­e cause of mental impairment.

But there is a cheap, easy remedy: iodized salt. As salt is cleaned and packaged, potassium iodate may be sprayed on it, normally at a cost of only a dollar or two per ton.

That means, nutrition experts say, that the IQ of entire nations can be raised 10 points for just a nickel per child per year.

Cambodia was making great progress against iodine deficiency until 2011, according to a report published in 2015 by the Iodine Global Network, a public-private partnershi­p combating the deficiency.

Like many countries with regular flooding, Cambodia’s soil has little natural iodine, so its crops also contain little. In 1997, according to UNICEF, almost one-fifth of its population had goiters — swollen thyroid glands in the neck that indicate serious deficiency, which can also cause dwarfism and cretinism.

In 1999, with help from donors, Cambodia began iodizing table salt. In 2003, the parliament and king made it mandatory. Dozens of small producers in Kampot and Kep provinces who made salt by evaporatin­g seawater formed a cooperativ­e that was given potassium-iodate spraying machines.

From 2000-2011, use of iodized salt rose to 70 percent from 13 percent of households, according to a 2015 study in the journal Nutrients. Market sampling in 2008 found only 1 percent of salt with no detectable iodine.

But then things began falling apart.

In 2010, UNICEF and other donors turned responsibi­lity for iodination over to the government and salt producers. Enforcemen­t grew lax, and spraying machines that broke went unrepaired, according to a recent VOA News article.

Then in 2011, after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the global price of iodine tripled. The price increase had multiple causes, said Roland Kupka, a UNICEF micronutri­ents expert.

Global iodine stocks were already low because of the 2008 recession. One-third of the world’s iodine is produced by Japan’s natural gas drillers, who extract it from brine pumped from coastal wells.

The catastroph­e damaged wells, set refineries ablaze and sharply cut electricit­y output. Adding to the problem, the release of radioactiv­e iodine from the Fukushima nuclear reactor set off panic buying of protective potassium iodide pills, especially in the western United States. Prices briefly reached 50 times their normal levels.

Raw iodine prices remained high for two years, forcing the Indian companies that make potassium iodate to plead for donor help. Iodine is also used in X-ray machines, LCD screens and pharmaceut­icals. Iodized salt accounted for only a tiny market share, so producers could not match other buyers’ bids.

The whole global iodination effort “may be put in jeopardy unless action is taken,” a 2011 report prepared for UNICEF said.

High prices also wreaked havoc on Cambodia’s salt industry. Noniodized salt from Vietnam was half the cost, so it was smuggled in. Salt meant for the Kampot co-op was sold without iodination.

Some wholesaler­s who were supposed to test salt before repackagin­g it for retailers stopped doing so.

In 2014, scientists from UNICEF and Cambodia’s planning ministry tested 1,862 salt samples bought at dozens of markets. They found that only 1 percent of coarse salt and 23 percent of fine salt met government standards.

A quick test of 2,300 schoolchil­dren showed that iodine concentrat­ions in urine had dropped by 30 percent since 2011, and that the problem “threatens the program’s sustainabi­lity,” the authors concluded.

UNICEF is urging the government to enforce its own laws and do better testing, Kupka said.

There is still time to save children from permanent damage, said Jonathan Gorstein, executive director of the Iodine Global Network.

“The thyroid is a pretty efficient gland at storing iodine,” he said, so it can take five to 10 years of deficiency before goiters and brain damage return.

That happened in Ethiopia, he said. Until 2000, the nation bought naturally iodized salt from Eritrea, but fighting between the two countries cut off that trade and Ethiopia starting mining its salt flats, which had no iodine.

After about eight years, “a generation of newborns with no protection against mental retardatio­n was born,” Gorstein said.

In 2011, Ethiopia tackled the problem. With donor help, it got spraying machinery and began enforcing iodination standards on industry. Now, 80 percent of its households use iodized salt.

 ?? Arnaud Laillou photos/UNICEF Cambodia via The New York Times ?? Salt producers in the Kampot Province of Cambodia. The 2011 tsunami in Japan set off an unexpected shortage of iodine, leaving children in faraway countries vulnerable to cognitive deficits.
Arnaud Laillou photos/UNICEF Cambodia via The New York Times Salt producers in the Kampot Province of Cambodia. The 2011 tsunami in Japan set off an unexpected shortage of iodine, leaving children in faraway countries vulnerable to cognitive deficits.
 ??  ?? Iodized salt tested during a UNICEF field visit to Kampot Province of Cambodia.
Iodized salt tested during a UNICEF field visit to Kampot Province of Cambodia.

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