Houston Chronicle

Born to be an ear wiggler?

- By C. Claiborne Ray | New York Times

Q: Why can some people wiggle their ears, but not others?

A: People cannot swivel their ears to point at a sound source, while many animals, like cats and dogs, can do so with ease. Humans do have weak vestigial muscles attached to the shell of the ear, called the auricle or pinna, as well as evidence of a vestigial nervous system, which could have functioned to orient the ears.

Some people can control their auricular muscles to move the ear slightly but to a noticeable extent, an ability that seems to have a genetic basis.

A 2015 study in the journal Psychophys­iology reviewed past research on the auricular nerves and found indication­s that the system could have been adapted to respond to sounds. For example, shifting the eyes from side to side produces weak electrical activity in ear muscles and a minuscule curling of the outer edge of the ear, and a sudden noise behind one ear elicits weak electrical activity in the muscles behind that ear.

As for the familial nature of wiggling, the inheritanc­e pattern is unclear and does not appear to have a simple dominantge­ne mechanism.

A study published in 1949 in the journal Hereditas involved only 104 men and 70 women. It found that most but not all the wigglers, 74 percent of them, had at least one parent who was a wiggler, and 47 percent of the wigglers had a sibling who was a wiggler.

 ?? Victoria Roberts/The New York Times ??
Victoria Roberts/The New York Times

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