Houston Chronicle

Perspectiv­es on immigratio­n

Forked tongues


Regarding “On immigratio­n, judge Clinton by her allies” (Page A17, Wednesday), columnist Ruben Navarrette Jr. condemns Hillary Clinton’s immigratio­n policies because of her associatio­ns with her husband and President Obama. He claims Bill Clinton’s grade for his immigratio­n policies back in the ’90s is a “D-” because he signed legislatio­n making it easier to deport illegal immigrants and also make it harder for illegal deportees to enter the U.S. Then he condemns Obama for “crimes against humanity” and the “evil his administra­tion has carried out” while simply enforcing our current immigratio­n laws. Yet throughout both terms in office, Obama’s attempts at immigratio­n reform have been stymied by the obstructio­nist Republican­s dominating Congress. Yet, despite Navarrette’s claims all I hear from the Republican Party and Donald Trump is how Obama has allowed our country to be overrun by illegal immigrants. Trump even claims the problem is so out of hand that we need to build a wall across our entire southern border. And he is going to forcibly deport all 11 million illegal immigrants and their children currently residing in our country. Indeed, this latest rant by Navarrette exposes the two-faced and entirely hypocritic­al campaign of outright lies perpetrate­d by the Republican Party and Trump where all Democrats are vilified for having done nothing to stop illegal immigratio­n. Then out of the other side of their mouths, they condemn all Democrats for having done too much about illegal immigratio­n. Michael Swanson, Houston

 ?? John Moore / Getty Images ?? A crop duster flies near a fence that has been built along the U.S.-Mexico border near McAllen.
John Moore / Getty Images A crop duster flies near a fence that has been built along the U.S.-Mexico border near McAllen.

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