Houston Chronicle

Still fighting for his life

Convicted killer’s attorneys pressing various appeals for man who is next on execution list

- By Allan Turner

Fresh from defeat in the state’s top criminal appeals court and with execution looming, lawyers for Houston killer Richard Masterson are launching a flurry of state and federal appeals claiming their client is being sent to his death through legal, medical and judicial bungling.

Masterson, 42, is to be executed next Wednesday for the January 2001 strangulat­ion murder of Montrose profession­al female impersonat­or Darrin Honeycutt. Masterson is the first of nine convicted killers scheduled for execution at Texas’ Huntsville death house in the first six months of 2016.

On Monday, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejected a petition for Masterson that argued former Harris County assistant medical examiner Dr. Paul Shrode wrongly interprete­d results of Honeycutt’s autopsy, calling a likely natural death a homicide. The appeal also asserted that Masterson’s confession to police was obtained while he was profoundly depressed as a result of withdrawal from addictive drugs.

The court rejected the petition because its claims could have been presented earlier in the appeals process but did not rule on its merits.

“It is always tough ... because

one wants to always do the best possible work for the client,” said Masterson attorney Patrick McCann. “We will continue to work for Mr. Masterson until the end, no matter what. This is the job.”

In a death row interview, Masterson said he “accepts responsibi­lity” for his actions , but insisted “I never admitted murdered anybody.”

“I feel pretty good,” he said. “I’m ready to find out the outcome one way or the other. It’s been a long road.”

Two additional petitions from McCann’s legal team were in the hands of appellate judges Tuesday — one challengin­g the constituti­onality of the Texas law protecting the identity of makers of the state’s lethal injection drug, the second claiming a judge wronged Masterson by failing to tell jurors they could convict him of the lesser offense of felony murder.

Additional­ly, Washington, D.C., lawyer Gregory Gardner was preparing an appeal to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. In a plea for clemency filed with the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, Gardner renewed the assertion that Shrode misinterpr­eted the Honeycutt autopsy, giving little emphasis to evidence that the victim suffered from serious heart disease.

Clemency plea

He also contends that Shrode’s profession­al performanc­e in jobs elsewhere led, in one case, to a commutatio­n of a death sentence, and, in a second, his dismissal for falsifying his résumé.

“Because Richard’s lawyers failed him at every stage, the court system will not provide relief to him based on insurmount­able procedural obstacles,” Gardner wrote. “His last chance is executive clemency. The governor is the last line of defense to stop the execution of an innocent, severely mentally ill man.”

In his recent interview, Masterson said he had met Honeycutt at a Montrose bar and accompanie­d him home to have sex. During intercours­e, Honeycutt asked Masterson to apply pressure to his neck to enhance the erotic experience. After doing so, Honeycutt fell from the bed, conscious but not responding. After a few minutes, Masterson concluded the man was dead. Masterson said he fled the apartment — taking Honeycutt’s car — because of his record of Texas and Georgia burglary conviction­s.

Masterson said he never planned to rob Honeycutt, contending that the man’s jewelry was present on the corpse when police arrived. After leaving Houston, Masterson traveled to Florida, where he was arrested. On the return trip to Houston, he confessed to his police escort.

In the interview, Masterson complained that “Nobody wants to know the truth.”

He challenged the performanc­e of his lawyers and told a convoluted tale of physical abuse at the hands of his father, sexual attacks by an older brother, multiple sexual escapades with married women and criminal arrests in five states. From early adolescenc­e, he was a heavy user of addictive drugs.

“It wasn’t just the drugs,” he said. “I was addicted to the whole life. Women and drugs. I thought I was God’s gift to women.”

Both Masterson and his lawyers contend he was wronged by the criminal justice system. But, to an extent, Masterson played a role in his undoing.

‘Future dangerousn­ess’

Testifying against counsel’s recommenda­tions in the punishment phase of his trial, Masterson conceded that he probably would become violent in prison.

“Future dangerousn­ess” is one of two special questions jurors must affirmativ­ely answer in order to assess the death penalty.

“I said that if I were attacked, I would fight with any means necessary,” he said in the interview. A transcript of Masterson’s testimony reveals he also told jurors they should sentence him to death “if they’re following the law.”

Later, Masterson — as a result of profound depression, his lawyers claim — repeatedly wrote the court from death row, asking to be executed. He retracted the requests when prison doctors prescribed an antidepres­sant.

In his interview, Masterson said execution would “free me from hell.”

The bright spot in his life, he said, is his girlfriend, Renee, whom he met through a pen pal correspond­ence.

“She’s really special,” he said. “It’s a shame we met under these circumstan­ces. What we share is real, honest and true.”

Masterson said he hopes “things work out.” But if his appeals fail, he said, “I won’t have tears dripping down my chest. I’ll hold my head up and take it like a man.”

“It wasn’t just the drugs. I was addicted to the whole life. Women and drugs. I thought I was God’s gift to women.”

Richard Masterson, convicted killer

 ?? Steve Gonzales / Houston Chronicle ?? Richard Masterson is awaiting execution for the strangling of a female impersonat­or in 2001.
Steve Gonzales / Houston Chronicle Richard Masterson is awaiting execution for the strangling of a female impersonat­or in 2001.
 ?? Steve Gonzales / Houston Chronicle ?? Richard Masterson says Darin Honeycutt’s death was accidental. He’s appealing his execution.
Steve Gonzales / Houston Chronicle Richard Masterson says Darin Honeycutt’s death was accidental. He’s appealing his execution.

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