Houston Chronicle

Senate lets NSA powers expire

- By Jennifer Steinhauer and Jonathan Weisman

WASHINGTON — The government’s authority to sweep up vast quantities of phone records in the hunt for terrorists expired at 12:01 a.m. Monday after Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., blocked an extension of the program during an extraordin­ary and at times caustic Sunday session of the Senate.

Still, the Senate signaled that it was ready to curtail the National Security Agency’s bulk data collection program with likely passage this week of legislatio­n that would shift the storage of telephone records from the government to the phone companies. The House overwhelmi­ngly passed that bill last month. Senators voted, 7717, on Sunday to take up the House bill.

Paul’s stand may have

forced the temporary expiration of parts of the post-9/11 Patriot Act used by the National Security Agency to collect phone records, but he was helped by the miscalcula­tion of Sen. Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, who sent the Senate on a weeklong vacation after blocking the House bill before Memorial Day.

McConnell, also of Kentucky, relented Sunday, setting up a final round of votes on Tuesday or Wednesday that will most likely send a compromise version of the House bill to President Barack Obama for his signature. Even Paul, using the procedural weapon of an objection, conceded he could not stop that.

“Little by little, we’ve allowed our freedom to slip away,” Paul said during a lengthy floor soliloquy.

The expiration of surveillan­ce authority demonstrat­es a profound shift in American attitudes since the days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, when national security was pre-eminent in both parties. Fourteen years after that attack, even as U.S. conflicts continue abroad, a swell of privacy concerns stemming from both the vast expansion of communicat­ion systems and an increasing distrust of government’s use of data has turned those concerns on their head.

While it would represent a retrenchme­nt on the part of the government, it does not end the argument over the dual imperative­s of security and individual liberty brought to light by Edward J. Snowden, the former contractor for the National Security Agency.

Republican­s angered

The expiration of three key provisions of the Patriot Act means that, for now, the NSA will no longer collect newly created logs of Americans’ phone calls in bulk. It also means that the FBI cannot invoke the Patriot Act to obtain, for new investigat­ions, wiretap orders that follow a suspect who changes phones, wiretap orders for a “lone wolf” terrorism suspect not linked to a group, or court orders to obtain business records relevant to an investigat­ion.

However, the Justice Department may invoke a socalled grandfathe­r clause to keep using those powers for investigat­ions that had started before June 1, and there are additional workaround­s investigat­ors may use to overcome the lapse in the authorizat­ions.

McConnell and other national security hawks who failed to continue the program badly underestim­ated the shift in the national mood, which has found its voice with Democrats and the libertaria­n wing of the Republican Party. The moment also put him at odds with Paul, whom he has endorsed for president.

“I remain determined to work toward the best outcome for the American people possible under the circumstan­ces,” McConnell said. “This is where we are, colleagues — a Housepasse­d bill with some serious flaws, and an inability to get a short-term extension to improve the House bill.”

Paul’s effort clearly angered many of his Republican colleagues, who met without him an hour before the Senate began to vote Sunday night. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who sparred with Paul on the floor over procedure, said later that Paul was not fit for the White House job he seeks. “I’ve said on many occasions that I believe he would be the worst candidate we could put forward,” he said.

Even as senators were trickling into the Capitol from the airport, McConnell attempted to extend some aspects of the law. He asked senators to consider a two-week continuati­on of the federal authority to track a “lone wolf ” terrorism suspect not connected to a state sponsor and to conduct “roving” surveillan­ce of a suspect, rather than of a phone number alone, to combat terrorists who frequently discard cellphones.

But Paul objected, and McConnell denounced from the Senate floor what he called “a campaign of demagoguer­y and disinforma­tion” about the program.

McConnell then moved to a second option, a procedural move to take up the bill passed by the House, which he said the Senate would amend this week. It was unclear Sunday how many amendments, including any from Paul, would be considered and whether any could pass the Senate or be adopted by the House.

The House bill would overhaul the Patriot Act and scale back the bulk collection of phone records revealed by Snowden. Un- der the provisions of the House bill, sweeps that had operated under the guise of so-called national security letters issued by the FBI would end. The data would instead be stored by the phone companies and could be retrieved by intelligen­ce agencies only after approval of the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act court.

Obama and his director of national intelligen­ce, James R. Clapper Jr., have made dire warnings in recent days about the perils of letting the law expire and called for immediate approval of a surveillan­ce bill passed by the House.

Short-term fixes fail

McConnell had sought to get a series of short-term extensions passed so that Congress could continue to work on a compromise — like giving the phone companies more time to adapt to the new law — but that effort collapsed under the objections of Paul and two Democrats, Ron Wyden of Oregon and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico. Further, members of the House rejected extending the current law, given the support for their bill.

After a middle-of-the-night vote for a short-term extension failed on the Saturday before Memorial Day, senators left for a weeklong recess as the clock ticked. Senate Republican leaders sought a compromise that would make a new bill acceptable to both hawkish lawmakers and Paul.

Over the week, negotiator­s on the House and Senate Intelligen­ce Committees had laid out a series of options to revise the bipartisan USA Freedom Act.

Democrats were critical of McConnell on Sunday. “The job of the leader is to have a plan,” Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada said on the Senate floor. “In this case, it is clear the majority leader simply didn’t have a plan.”

 ?? Drew Angerer / Getty Images ?? Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., left, and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speak to reporters after Paul blocked a bill that would have extended NSA surveillan­ce programs.
Drew Angerer / Getty Images Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., left, and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speak to reporters after Paul blocked a bill that would have extended NSA surveillan­ce programs.

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