Houston Chronicle Sunday

Floyd’s death sparks demonstrat­ions on four continents

- By John Leicester and Frank Jordans

BERLIN — Tens of thousands of people gathered Saturday in cities far from the United States to express anger over the death of George Floyd, a sign that the Black Lives Matter movement against police brutality is resonating with wider calls to address racism from Australia to Europe.

In Berlin, where police said 15,000 people rallied on the German capital’s Alexander Square, protesters chanted Floyd’s name and held up placards with slogans such as “Stop police brutality” and “I can’t breathe.”

Floyd, a black man, died after a Minneapoli­s police officer pressed a knee on his neck even after he pleaded for air while handcuffed and stopped moving.

“The killing and these violent physical things that have happened is only just the top of it,” said Lloyd Lawson, 54, who took part in the Berlin protest. “That’s why you’ve got to start right from the bottom, just like an iceberg.”

Some 20,000 people rallied in Munich, while thousands more took part in protests in Frankfurt and Cologne.

In Paris, several thousand demonstrat­ors ignored a protest ban — issued due to the coronaviru­s pandemic — and assembled within sight of the U.S. Embassy, kept back by imposing barriers and riot police.

Among the crowd in the French capital was Marie Djedje, 14, a Parisian born on July 14, the French national day.

“I was born French, on the day when we celebrate our country. But on a daily basis, I don’t feel that this country accepts me,” she said, holding up a sign that read “Being black is not a crime.”

The teenager said that emerging from France’s virus lockdown and seeing officers on patrol again drove home how scared she is of the police and how she has steeled herself for a life of overcoming obstacles.

“I know that because of my skin color I’m starting out with a handicap, for example, if I want to get a flat or go to a top school,” she said. “I know I’m going to have to fight twice as hard as the others. But I’m prepared.”

In central London, tens of thousands staged a rally outside Parliament Square, invoking Floyd’s memory as well as people who died during police encounters or indifferen­ce in Britain. Some protesters ignored thickening rain clouds and later headed toward the U.K. Home Office, which oversees law enforcemen­t and immigratio­n, and to the U.S. Embassy.

Many dropped to one knee and raised their fists in the air outside the gleaming embassy building south of the River Thames. There were chants of “Silence is violence” and “Color is not a crime.”

The majority of those marching wore masks and other face coverings, and appeared to make an effort to adhere to social distancing guidelines by walking in small groups.

An estimated 15,000 people gathered in the heart of Manchester, England, while 2,000 people joined in a demonstrat­ion in the

Welsh capital of Cardiff.

Andrew Francis, 37, a black man from London, said there’s “a lot of frustratio­n due to racial discrimina­tion, and we want change for our children and our children’s children to be able to have equality within the U.K, the U.S., all around the world.” Francis, who wore a face covering, said he wasn’t worried about the coronaviru­s and said the fight for racial equality was “more important” to him.

Floyd’s death has sparked significan­t protests across the United

States, but it has also struck a chord with minorities protesting discrimina­tion elsewhere, including demonstrat­ors in Sydney and Brisbane who highlighte­d indigenous Australian­s who died in custody.

Indigenous Australian­s make up 2 percent of the the country’s adult population, but 27 percent of the prison population. They are also the most disadvanta­ged ethnic minority in Australia and have higher-than-average rates of infant mortality and poor health, as well as shorter life expectanci­es and lower levels of education and employment than other Australian­s.

In South Korea’s capital, Seoul, protesters gathered for a second straight day to denounce Floyd’s death. Wearing masks and black shirts, dozens of demonstrat­ors marched through a commercial district amid a police escort, carrying signs such as “George Floyd Rest in Peace” and “Koreans for Black Lives Matter.”

In Senegal, people staged a protest in front of the African Renaissanc­e Monument in the capital of Dakar, holding placards with slogans such as “Enough is enough.”

Adele Letamba, a 39-year-old consultant protesting in Paris, put it bluntly: “The death of George Floyd was the spark that spread across the world.”

 ?? Frank Augstein / Associated Press ?? A girl wears a face mask during a Black Lives Matter rally Saturday in Parliament Square, London. Protests tied to George Floyd’s killing have spread globally, from Australia to Europe.
Frank Augstein / Associated Press A girl wears a face mask during a Black Lives Matter rally Saturday in Parliament Square, London. Protests tied to George Floyd’s killing have spread globally, from Australia to Europe.

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