Houston Chronicle Sunday

‘Thermomete­r guns’ accuracy questioned

- By David Yaffe-Bellany

It has become an iconic image of the coronaviru­s outbreak in China: a masked official aiming what appears to be a small white pistol at a traveler’s forehead.

For weeks, this ominous-looking device has been deployed at checkpoint­s across China — tollbooths, apartment complexes, hotels, grocery stores, train stations — as government officials and private citizens screen people for fevers in an effort to prevent the spread of the deadly coronaviru­s.

Sometimes described as a “thermomete­r gun,” the device is equipped with an infrared sensor that can quickly measure surface temperatur­e without making any contact with a person’s skin. In recent years, it has become an important tool for countries scrambling to contain viral outbreaks. It was widely used to try to slow the spread of SARS in China in the early 2000s and to curb the Ebola outbreak in West Africa a decade later.

But for all of its powerful sensing technology, the thermomete­r has ultimately proved to be an ineffectiv­e defense mechanism, according to medical officials and experts on infrared devices. Like the surgical masks that have become ubiquitous in China, thermomete­r guns tend to be unreliable outside carefully controlled health care settings.

The thermomete­rs determine temperatur­e by measuring the heat emanating from the surface of a person’s body. Often, however, those wielding the tools don’t hold them close enough to the subject’s forehead, generating unusually low temperatur­e readings, or hold them too close and get a high reading. The measuremen­ts can be imprecise in certain environmen­ts, like a dusty roadside, or when someone has taken medication to suppress a fever.

“These devices are notoriousl­y not accurate and reliable,” said James Lawler, a medical expert at the University of Nebraska’s Global Center for Health Security. “Some of it is quite frankly for show.”

When he traveled in West Africa during the Ebola outbreak, Lawler was frequently tested with infrared thermomete­rs outside hospitals or at roadside checkpoint­s. The results suggested he was dying of hypothermi­a.

“My temperatur­e was often 35 degrees Celsius or lower, which starts to become incompatib­le with life,” Lawler said. “So I’m not sure those were accurate.”

In theory, the thermomete­rs, as well as more complex cameras that can also measure the heat coming off a person, allow officials to quickly determine who may have a fever and then pull those people aside for further testing. So far, tens of thousands of people have contracted the coronaviru­s, and this week the death toll passed the 1,000 mark. Last month, the World Health Organizati­on said that temperatur­e screenings could reduce “the risk of importatio­n.”

But on social media in China, people passing through the checkpoint­s have complained that the thermomete­rs are producing unrealisti­cally low readings in some situations and artificial­ly high readings in others, like when a traveler is tested from inside a hot car.

“You know the temperatur­e gun is inaccurate,” wrote one person on Weibo, the Chinese social media service, after getting a reading from a guard. “I know the temperatur­e gun is inaccurate. He also knows the temperatur­e gun is inaccurate. But nobody says anything because it’s part of the process. Such formalism!”

Just because an infrared tool says that someone has a high temperatur­e does not mean the person is sick, let alone carrying the virus.

“They could have been exercising, they could be taking certain drugs,” said Jim Seffrin, an expert on infrared devices at the Infraspect­ion Institute in New Jersey. “A person who’s been trying to catch a flight in an airport for which they are late — they may have run down a concourse.”

The growing demand for thermomete­r guns and infrared cameras that can detect fevers has caused shortages across the world, from the center of the outbreak in Wuhan to a small supplier in Texas.

Thousands of miles from the heart of the outbreak, a small technology supplier in Beaumont called Infrared Cameras Inc., has also been feeling the crush of demand. The company makes hightech imaging equipment as well as infrared thermomete­rs, which cost $25 apiece.

In a normal month, the company sells about 100 infrared cameras, according to its chief executive, Gary Strahan. Since January, the company has sold more than 1,000, supplying schools, cruise ships, factories, offices, hospitals and theaters in countries like China and South Korea.

Strahan said he had been working every day from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. to keep up with the orders.

“It’s the most overwhelmi­ng thing I’ve had to deal with in my life,” he said. “We’ve got people coming to us directly saying, ‘Can you supply 1,000 cameras? Can you supply 2,000 cameras?’ ”

The company’s cameras and thermomete­r guns have a margin of error of 0.1 to 0.2 degrees Celsius, according to Strahan, who has been selling infrared cameras since the 1990s. But many products on the market are less reliable.

Still, Strahan said he hoped his company would help slow the spread of the virus, even if temperatur­e screenings are unlikely to stop the outbreak altogether.

“Because of the inaccuracy of a lot of the systems being sold out there, people are missed and then the infection spreads,” he said. “It’s a very real situation, and I feel like I’m right in the middle of it.”

That was certainly the case Thursday morning: At the company’s office in Beaumont, Strahan’s team was packing 300 thermomete­r guns into boxes, all of them bound for China.

 ?? Carter Johnton / New York Times ?? Gary Strahan, CEO of Infrared Cameras Inc. in Beaumont, shows live thermal informatio­n on a tablet outfitted with an infrared camera and software.
Carter Johnton / New York Times Gary Strahan, CEO of Infrared Cameras Inc. in Beaumont, shows live thermal informatio­n on a tablet outfitted with an infrared camera and software.

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