Houston Chronicle Sunday


For Sunday, Aug. 30



(March 21-April 19)

You will want to make amends, but you might not succeed. There seems to be an innate awkwardnes­s between you and a loved one. As a result, you easily could decide to cocoon at home for the day. Figure out how you want to address the problem.

This week: Charge into Monday as a force to be dealt with.


(April 20-May 20)

You might feel as if you are on the verge of getting your way regarding a major issue in your life. Understand your limits and long-term desires. You often are driven in the direction of success. Don’t stop, no matter what happens.

This week: Don’t act until Wednesday, when the Moon is in your sign.


(May 21-June 20)

You will take a stand in the midst of confusion. However, your thoughts are rapidly changing about the matter. Others need to hear strong opinions, they might not work well with you right now. Be aware of the trends around you.

This week: Use Monday and Tuesday for interperso­nal matters.


(June 21-July 22)

Tap into your imaginatio­n when cooking up plans for the day. Opt for an idea that leads to an event you have wanted to experience for a while now. You will be happiest doing something new, inspiring and fun.

This week: Be a strong



(July 23-Aug. 22)

You’ll want a close loved one to say “yes” to an offer; however, you might not hear what you want to. Try to walk in this person’s shoes; empathy will go a long way here. Spend some time discussing the matter with a respected friend as well.

This week: Take off the next few days.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The Full Moon has put emphasis on your relationsh­ips and on how much you are willing to give. Don’t make any decisions just yet. How you handle a personal matter will transform once you internaliz­e the events of the past few days.

This week: A partnershi­p demands attention. Look at the big picture.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Assuming a lowkey attitude might not be easy, but it will be most effective. You will take a stronger stance in the near future. What you want could color your choices here. Be more loving in how you handle a dear friend who seems to be struggling.

This week: Others dominate the scene.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your ingenuity and wit will delight not only friends but also loved ones. A wannabe suitor or a new friend finds you to be magnetic and difficult to say “no” to. Honor a change of pace. Know that compliment­s can be manipulati­ve.

This week: Work hard Monday and Tuesday. Make it an early week.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Tension builds. In some sense, you might feel like saltwater taffy being pulled apart. Do you know when to walk away from a touchy situation? Honor your needs before trying to help others. You might need some distance from this matter.

This week: Your creativity defines this week.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Make calls, share news and be more social than you normally are. Don’t take news as fact. There could be a lot of gossip and misinforma­tion mixed in. Do what you feel is needed to calm someone down, but still free yourself up to go out and enjoy the day.

This week: Work from home if you can.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You will be all smiles on the outside, but a personal matter is likely draining your selfconfid­ence on the inside. This internal struggle needs to change. Know that working through it will help. Don’t allow someone else to intercede.

This week: You are likely to be very social.


(Feb. 19-March 20)

Recent events will make you a star, no matter which way you turn or what you say. Still, be cautious; this won’t last forever. Someone you care about keeps showing up and making demands. Know when to say “enough is enough.”

This week: Start the weekend early.

Happy birthday

This year, you often back down from others who are emotional and demanding. You will re-create your inner circle in a way that is more satisfying for you. You will have several new dynamic friends enter your life. If you are single, this year will be very special for you. Mr. or Ms. Right is likely to walk right through your front door. If you are attached, the two of you need to juggle both your needs in a more effective way. The two of you are likely to enter a new phase of your relationsh­ip. Pisces has the same issues as you but manifests them differentl­y.

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