Houston Chronicle Sunday


For Sunday, Feb. 1



(March 21-April 19)

Remain calm when dealing with an important person in your life. You could let the situation develop into a struggle of wills, but is it really worth it? You might need to talk out some anger rather than lose your temper. Tonight: In the whirlwind of the moment. This Week: Your passion runs high.


(April 20-May 20)

Keep asking questions, and you will get a better grasp of a situation and how it works. Once you are detached, you might see the whole situation differentl­y. A friend is likely to share a wonderful idea and some fun plans. Tonight: Catch up on a neighbor’s news. This Week: Know your limits.


(May 21-June 20)

Avoid being demanding. Someone very close to you could have a major problem. You might not understand where this person is coming from, and he or she might not want to share. A conversati­on must happen in order to mend the rift. Tonight: Make a longoverdu­e call. This Week: Calls are constant, and emails overwhelm you.


(June 21-July 22)

Events that normally might upset you will slide right off of you. Still, be aware of what is happening around you. Observe a close friend or loved one who seems to need more control than ever. For the moment, let him or her be. Tonight: Off to the movies. This Week: Curb spending. Put yourself on a budget.


(July 23-Aug. 22)

Honor a need to get away from all the fuss. Knowing when enough is enough could be more important than you realize. It also will establish boundaries for the other party. A loved one might go out of his or her way to do you a favor. Tonight: Not alone. This Week: You are a star this week, and others respond accordingl­y.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Zero in on what is important. Someone might initiate a conversati­on that delights you. A friend could give you an unexpected jolt at times, but you can’t complain of boredom when you are around him or her. Tonight: A loved one wants to reel you in. This Week: Use Monday and Tuesday for quiet matters.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Know what is possible between you and someone else. Your ability to move forward with grace might irk this person, as he or she can’t seem to let go. Go off and watch a favorite game, or get involved with a game yourself. Tonight: Throw a spontaneou­s get-together. This Week: Zero in on what you want before Wednesday.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

If you follow your gut, you could be surprised by what happens as a result. You seem to know what to do. At this moment, don’t allow your intellectu­al faculties to run over this sensitivit­y on a deeper level. Tonight: Make sure to add a little more romance to your life. This Week: Be the leader, and you’ll greet surprising results.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Allow yourself to relate directly to a special person in your life. The two of you seem to benefit from being with each other. Avoid being around so many friends all at once, but make time to catch up on important news. Tonight: Be a duo. This Week: Take that risk you have been considerin­g.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You could be overwhelme­d by the many people calling you and seeking you out. Try not to be so closed off, especially if someone asks for a favor. You might be coming on too strong for someone else’s taste. Think before you leap. Tonight: Ask, and you just might receive. This Week: A partner demands all your time.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You might want to try a different approach or do something the way you want to do it. You might be taken aback by everything you need to do. Consider making a list of priorities. Couldn’t you use a nap? Tonight: Binge-watch a TV series. This Week: Others are there for you. Ask for what you want or need.


(Feb. 19-March 20)

Assess everything you must do in order to make someone else content. Be honest with yourself, and recognize that you really do want to make him or her happy. Reach out to a loved one at a distance. Tonight: The party goes on and on at your place. This Week: You will need to be on top of your game from Wednesday on.

Happy birthday

This year you seem to express more compassion to those around you. You’ll stop and ask others how they are with authentici­ty. Your circle of friends will expand as a result. Be aware that you also can become demanding. Lighten up, and let go of having such high expectatio­ns. If you are single, you have the ability to lure potential suitors toward you. Use this skill to draw in the right type of person for you. If you are attached, the two of you like participat­ing in each other’s lives more than many couples do. Whatever you both enjoy will become a favorite pastime. Cancer can be very supportive, but often is clingy.

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