Houston Chronicle Sunday

Husband’s unusual affair leaves wife unsure about marriage


Dear Abby:

My husband and I have been married for 18 years. Our marriage has had its ups and downs. Last year, we separated for eight months. We decided to stay married and are now living together again.

I found out not long ago that he slept with my daughter’s best friend. I am horrified that he’d do such a thing because as a teenager she would hang out at our home. I feel that what he did should have never happened. Although I would like to think our marriage can be repaired, I still have my doubts. Should I feel this way or let the past stay in the past? Looking for Answers

in Oklahoma Dear Looking For Answers:

Not every woman would forgive an affair that seems this uncomforta­bly “incestuous.” A counselor may be able to help you sort out your feelings, and joint marriage counseling should definitely be considered before you make up your mind. Dear Abby:

What is a man’s ethical responsibi­lity when he hears of a crime in group therapy?

While attending a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, I heard a man confess that he had dropped a cinder block on a boy’s head when he was 12. The man was never arrested for the crime. I can’t stop thinking about the boy who was his victim. Should I tell the police?

Somewhere in the South Dear Somewhere:

It is the group leader’s responsibi­lity to contact the authoritie­s if a group member is a danger to himself or others. If this happened when the man was 12, what would it accomplish to report it at this point? Because this has been preying on your mind, you should talk with the group leader about the matter. www.DearAbby.com Dear Abby P.O. Box 69440 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Universal Press Syndicate

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