Houston Chronicle Sunday

Recently discovered tomb hints at more to be found


CAIRO— Czech archaeolog­ists have unearthed the 4,500- yearold tomb of a Pharaonic princess south of Cairo, in a finding that suggests other undiscover­ed tombsmay be in the area, an official from Egypt’s antiquitie­s ministry said Saturday.

Mohammed El- Bialy, who heads the Egyptian and Greco- Roman Antiquitie­s department at the Antiquitie­sMinistry, said that Princess Shert Nebti’s burial site is surrounded by the tombs of four high officials from the Fifth Dynasty dating to around 2,500 B. C. in the Abu Sir complex near the famed step pyramid of Saqqara.

“Discoverie­s are ongoing” at Abu Sir, ElBialy said, adding that the excavation was in a “very early stage” and that the site was closed to the public. Daughter of a king

Inscriptio­ns on the four limestone pillars of the Princess’ tomb indicate that she is the daughter of KingMen Salbo.

“She is the daughter of the king, but only her tomb is there, surrounded by the four officials, so the question is, are we going to discover other tombs around hers in the near future? We don’t know anything about her father, the king, or hermother, but hope that future discoverie­s will answer these questions,” El- Bialy said.

On Friday, Antiquitie­sMinisterM­ohammed Ibrahim said that the antechambe­r to the princess’ tomb includes four limestone columns and hieroglyph­ic inscriptio­ns. The current excavation has also unearthed an antechambe­r containing the sarcophagi of the four officials and statues of men, women, and a child, he said in a statement.

The Czech team’s discovery marks the “start of a new chapter” in the history of the burial sites of Abu Sir and Saqqara, Ibrahim added. Tourism down

The archaeolog­ists working at the site are from the Czech Institute of Egyptology, which is funded by the Charles University of Prague. Their excavation began this month.

The discovery comes weeks after the Egyptian government reopened a pyramid and a complex of tombs that had been closed for restoratio­n work for a decade.

Egypt’s vital tourism industry has suffered from the country’s unrest in the wake of the 2011 uprising that toppled autocratic leader Hosni Mubarak. A delegation from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund is in Egypt for negotiatio­ns over a $ 4.8 billion loan aimed at bolstering the country’s ailing economy.

 ?? Egypt’s Supreme Council Of Antiquitie­s/ AP ?? Statues and columns are part of a complex of tombs, including one of a Pharaonic princess, recently discovered in the Abusir region south of Cairo, Egypt.
Egypt’s Supreme Council Of Antiquitie­s/ AP Statues and columns are part of a complex of tombs, including one of a Pharaonic princess, recently discovered in the Abusir region south of Cairo, Egypt.

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