Hartford Courant

Iran calls new US sanctions ‘idiotic’

Tehran warns action may end diplomacy amid verbal volleys

- By Nasser Karimi and Jon Gambrell Associated Press

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran warned Tuesday that new U.S. sanctions targeting its supreme leader and other top officials meant “closing the doors of diplomacy” between Tehran and Washington amid heightened tensions, even as President Hassan Rouhani derided the White House as being “afflicted by mental retardatio­n.”

President Donald Trump called that a “very ignorant and insulting statement,” tweeting that an Iranian attack on any U.S. interest will be met with “great and overwhelmi­ng force overwhelmi­ng will mean obliterati­on.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Iranian statement was “immature.”

From Israel, U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said Iran could walk through an “open door” to talks with America but also warned that “all options remain on the table” if Tehran makes good on its promise to begin breaking one limit from its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

The verbal volleys recalled North Korea’s statements about Trump before the dramatic change in course and the start of negotiatio­ns with Washington. In 2017, state media quoted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un calling Trump “the mentally deranged U.S. dotard.”

However, there are no signs the Iranian leadership would welcome talks.

“The useless sanctionin­g of Islamic Revolution Supreme Leader (Khamenei) and the commander of Iranian diplomacy means closing the doors of diplomacy by the U.S.’ desperate administra­tion,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi tweeted. “Trump’s government is annihilati­ng all the establishe­d internatio­nal mechanisms for keeping peace and security in the world.”

Trump enacted the new sanctions against Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his associates Monday.

U.S. officials also said they plan sanctions against Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, something that drew Rouhani’s anger during his televised address Tuesday.

“You sanction the foreign minister simultaneo­usly with a request for talks,” an exasperate­d Rouhani said. He called the sanctions against Khamenei “outrageous and idiotic,” especially since the 80-year-old Shiite cleric has no plans to travel to the United States.

“The White House is afflicted by mental retardatio­n and does not know what to do,” he added in Farsi, using a term similarly as offensive in English.

While Pompeo said he hadn’t heard Rouhani’s reaction to the new sanctions, he said that if true, “that’s a bit immature and childlike.”

The crisis gripping the Middle East stems from Trump’s withdrawal of the U.S. a year ago from the nuclear deal with Iran and other world powers and then imposing crippling new sanctions on Tehran. Recently, Iran quadrupled its production of low-enriched uranium to be on pace to break one of the deal’s terms by Thursday, while also threatenin­g to raise enrichment closer to weapons-grade levels on July 7 if European countries still abiding by the accord don’t offer a new deal.

Citing unspecifie­d Iranian threats, the U.S. has sent an aircraft carrier to the Middle East and deployed additional troops alongside the tens of thousands already there. All this has raised fears that a miscalcula­tion or further rise in tensions could push the U.S. and Iran into an open conflict, 40 years after the Islamic Revolution.

 ?? IRANIAN PRESIDENCY/GETTY-AFP ?? Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday derided the White House as being “afflicted by mental retardatio­n.”
IRANIAN PRESIDENCY/GETTY-AFP Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday derided the White House as being “afflicted by mental retardatio­n.”
 ?? MARK WILSON/GETTY ?? President Trump called comments from Iranian leaders “very ignorant” a day after he enacted new sanctions.
MARK WILSON/GETTY President Trump called comments from Iranian leaders “very ignorant” a day after he enacted new sanctions.

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