Hamilton Journal News

Moreno Senate campaign aide resigns after confrontat­ion with police

- By Andrew J. Tobias

COLUMBUS — An aide to Republican businessma­n Bernie Moreno’s U.S. Senate campaign has resigned following an incident earlier this month in which he was confrontat­ional with police in a small town near Columbus.

Colton Henson, a former campaign political director who more recently was a contracted campaign adviser, resigned Friday. The move comes the same day the Scioto Valley Guardian published police body-camera video documentin­g the arrest of another Moreno campaign aide, Abby Wright, on Sept. 1 in Ashville on suspicion of drunken driving. The local news outlet is run by Derek Myers, a former fringe congressio­nal candidate.

Wright, who has a fundraisin­g job with Moreno’s campaign, pleaded guilty two days later to reckless operation, a non-alcohol related offense that’s a fourth-degree misdemeano­r, according to local court records. Henson, who is a village councilman in Ashville, was present during the arrest. Video shows him swearing at and being confrontat­ional with police, who multiple times threatened to arrest him for obstructin­g the investigat­ion, but who ended up not doing so. Moreno, who’s challengin­g Democratic U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown in the November election, has made being pro-police a cornerston­e of his campaign.

“Respect for law enforcemen­t is a core value of our campaign and because Mr. Henson’s behavior did not meet that standard, he has resigned his position. While we appreciate his service, accountabi­lity requires tough decisions. Bernie has personally called the law enforcemen­t involved to apologize for the incident and reinforce his respect for the incredible job they do for our community,” said Chris Grant, general consultant for the Moreno Campaign, in a statement.

The video shows Wright being polite and complying with police. She said she had two glasses of wine to drink after she and Henson went to dinner. The video ends with her arrest.

“Ms. Wright cooperated and was respectful to law enforcemen­t while they executed their proper role and duties. She has accepted responsibi­lity, paid her fines, and has had her license and vehicle returned. We consider this matter closed,” Grant said.

Cleveland.com and The Plain Dealer have reached out to police in Ashville for more informatio­n about the incident.

“Since February of 2021 I have been convinced that electing Bernie Moreno to the United States Senate is extremely important to the country,” Henson said in a statement. “Me as an individual should never be a distractio­n to that.”

The body-camera video published by the Guardian is edited. But it clearly shows Wright was pulled over near Henson’s house after police said she failed to stop soon enough at a stop sign. Police then walk to Henson’s porch to speak with him.

Henson, who had been a passenger in the car, asks one officer about the timeline for arresting Wright and taking her to the local jail. He grows frustrated after the officer fails to understand his question. When a second office tries to interject, Henson says: “(Expletive) off. How about that.”

“You’re being rude,” an officer responds.

Multiple times in the video, police say Henson is interferin­g with their investigat­ion, including when he speaks loudly from his porch while Wright is performing a field sobriety test in the street. Henson says in the video that police are harassing Wright and that he’s trying to get a lawyer to the scene. “Are you going to tase me?” he says when an officer again threatens to arrest him for obstructio­n of justice.

At one point, Henson references Pickaway County Sheriff Matthew Hafey by name, although it’s not clear exactly what he said.

 ?? DAVID DERMER / AP ?? An aide to Republican businessma­n Bernie Moreno’s
U.S. Senate campaign has resigned following an incident earlier this month in which he was confrontat­ional with police in a small town near Columbus.
DAVID DERMER / AP An aide to Republican businessma­n Bernie Moreno’s U.S. Senate campaign has resigned following an incident earlier this month in which he was confrontat­ional with police in a small town near Columbus.

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