Hamilton Journal News

Debate on minimum wage isn’t just politics (for once)

- George F. Will George F. Will writes for The Washington Post.

Looking on the bright side, which is usually irrational but occasional­ly justifiabl­e, the debate about raising the federal minimum wage to

$15 is mildly encouragin­g evidence that moderately sensible policymaki­ng is again possible. The debate has been informed by data, not all of which has been ignored. The debate has been a reminder of federalism’s importance in a continenta­l nation. Because the debate is about money, it has revived the capacity for legislativ­e bargaining about splittable difference­s. Best of all, one side in the debate has refrained from overturnin­g legislativ­e due process, which it could have done and the other side has hitherto done.

Minimum-wage laws are a price we pay for democracy, which is worth it. Leave aside the folly of government setting prices, in this case the price of labor, which is an undertakin­g for which government has demonstrat­ed scant aptitude. And never mind the dubious morality of forbidding people to work for less than the government deems proper. Disregard, too, the probabilit­y of unintended but predictabl­e consequenc­es from a $15 minimum wage:

The raise would incentiviz­e some employers to replace wage-earners with technology — for example, tablets for ordering in some fast-food restaurant­s. Most restaurant­s, however, will be unable to do this, so the raise would deepen the distress of the hardest-hit sector of the economy.

The Congressio­nal Budget Office concludes that a phased increase to $15 in 2025 could raise the pay of 27 million workers (17% of the workforce) but would result in the eliminatio­n of about 1.3 million jobs.

The Heritage Foundation’s Rachel Greszler reports that the median hourly wage of those performing child care is $11.65, and mandating $15 would increase the cost of such care by an average of 21%, or $3,728 per year for a family with two children, from $20,152 to $23,880. This could cause some parents to withdraw from the workforce.

Democrats had hoped to include the $15 minimum wage in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package, and achieve Senate passage under arcane “reconcilia­tion” rules.

This would have enabled it to pass with 50 votes plus the vice president’s. When the Senate parliament­arian held that the $15 minimum was ineligible for passage under reconcilia­tion, many progressiv­es, whose devotion to norms is situationa­l, urged Democratic senators to overrule or replace the parliament­arian.

Twenty years ago, less than four months into George W. Bush’s presidency, Republican­s, who controlled the Senate, removed a parliament­arian who had the temerity to make some rulings that inconvenie­nced Republican­s.

If Democrats had decided to replace today’s parliament­arian with a more compliant one, this would have signaled a continuati­on of scorchedea­rth politics. The Democrats’ restraint is perhaps a virtue made more palatable to them because they do not have 50 votes for the $15 minimum. Some good deeds are better than the motives for them.

Minimum-wage increases poll well: When A supports compelling B to give money to C, C is pleased, A is pleased with himself for being virtuous with other people’s money, and B is at least pleased that he can pass some of his increased costs on to his customers, who perhaps include A, who might not notice. Normality is often not sensible, but we missed it when it was absent.

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