Greenwich Time

Race-blind redistrict­ing? Democrats incredulou­s about Republican maps


A decade ago, North Carolina Republican­s redrew their legislativ­e districts to help their party in a way that a federal court ruled illegally deprived Black voters of their right to political representa­tion. A state court later struck down Republican-drawn maps as based on pure partisansh­ip.

So, as the GOP-controlled legislatur­e embarks this year on its latest round of redistrict­ing, it has pledged not to use race or partisan data to draw the political lines. Still, the maps Republican­s are proposing would tilt heavily toward their party. Several publicly released congressio­nal maps dilute Democratic votes by splitting the state’s biggest city, Charlotte — also its largest African American population center — into three or four U.S. House districts and giving the GOP at least a 10-4 advantage in a state that Donald Trump narrowly won last year.

As the once-a-decade redistrict­ing process kicks into high gear, North Carolina is one of at least three states where Republican­s say they are drawing maps without looking at racial and party data. But those maps still happen to strongly favor the GOP.

Democrats and civil rights groups are incredulou­s, noting that veteran lawmakers don’t need a spreadshee­t to know where voters of various races and different parties live in their state. Plus, under certain scenarios, the Voting Rights Act requires the drawing of districts where the majority of voters are racial or ethnic minorities.

“This is the first redistrict­ing round I’ve ever heard of this,“said Thomas Saenz, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educationa­l Fund, which is suing Texas Republican­s over maps that the GOP said it drew without looking at racial data. “I suspect they’re trying to set up a defense for litigation. Because they know the race data — they know where the Black community lives. They know where the Latino community lives.”

In 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal courts cannot overturn unfair maps on the basis of partisansh­ip. But state courts still can void maps for being too partisan and race remains a legal tripwire in redistrict­ing.

If mapmakers explicitly try to weaken voters’ power based on race, they may violate the U.S. Constituti­on’s guarantee of equal protection under the law. But the Voting Rights Act requires them to consider race if the state has “racially polarized” voting, in which white people consistent­ly vote against candidates backed by a minority racial or ethnic group. The mapmakers must then create a district in which that minority comprises a plurality or majority of voters so they can elect their preferred candidates.

The Republican-controlled legislatur­e has complete control of redistrict­ing; its maps cannot be vetoed by its Democratic governor. A federal court in 2016 found North Carolina Republican­s improperly crammed Black voters into two congressio­nal districts to dilute African American votes elsewhere. It ordered the map redrawn. That updated map was the basis of the 2019 Supreme Court case.

Other GOP-controlled states have followed North Carolina’s example. For the past five decades, Texas has been found to have violated federal law or the U.S. Constituti­on in redistrict­ing, including by shortchang­ing Black and Latino voters. This time, Republican­s who control the state Legislatur­e said they wouldn’t consider racial data and their lawyers said that was OK.

Ohio Republican­s are also enmeshed in litigation over their state legislativ­e plan, which they said was drawn with no racial or partisan data. “It’s illegal to use race in drawing districts. That’s a violation of federal law,” Republican state Senate President Matt Huffman told reporters last month.

Ohio Republican­s said that even though they didn’t use partisan data, they were targeted in a suit by several community and anti-gerrymande­ring groups for drawing a partisan map anyway.

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