Greenwich Time

Dentists see more chipped and broken teeth during pandemic

- By Jeannette Ross

WILTON — Many people are finding themselves in their dentist’s chair more often, and the COVID-19 pandemic may be the underlying cause, local dentists say.

According to the American Dental Associatio­n, 60 percent of dentists who responded to a survey in September saw an increased prevalence in their patients clenching and grinding their teeth, known as bruxism, and 53 percent saw more chipped teeth, broken teeth and symptoms of temporoman­dibular disorders.

“Stress and the relationsh­ip to health and wellbeing is powerful,” Dr. James T. Aris, of Advanced Dentistry of Wilton, said last month.

“Dentists nationwide have seen a rise in stressrela­ted oral health conditions since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said, citing the ADA Health Policy Institute’s COVID-19 impact poll.

Dr. Gregory Chann, who has a practice on Ridgefield Road in Wilton, is among them, seeing more patients with chipped or broken teeth lately.

“Definitely,” he said. “Everybody is focused on the pandemic. ... The emotional stress, anxiety, dislocatio­n builds into it. There are lots of people calling in with problems: Broken teeth, cracked fillings, sensitivit­y, jaw pain, neck pain.”

The stress of being home, working remotely, helping children who are learning remotely, can be borne out in people clenching and grinding their teeth, he said.

“People don’t even know it,” he said on Nov. 14, noting he sees people in the

office “clenching their teeth. I tell them, ‘Don’t break that crown I put in your mouth.’”

The normal rest position of someone’s mouth is for their teeth to be slightly apart. For them to be together the muscles have to be functionin­g, Chann explained.

“People tend not to think about their jaw until it gives them a problem,” he said. “The pressure leads to sensitivit­y. Throw on that not getting a good night’s sleep, the restlessne­ss leads to clenching and grinding at night.”

Possible remedies

One of the possible remedies a dentist can offer is an occlusal guard that prevents pressure on the teeth, Chann said — it keeps the jaw in position and thus the teeth in alignment.

“Most people wear it at night and find relief,” Chann said. In fact, he added, “Some people wear it for a few months and it looks like it’s 10 years old.”

Chann said he’s making more of them for his pa

tients, multiple times a week.

A guard made by a dentist has some distinct advantages over sports mouth guards people might buy in a store. “They are not comfortabl­e to wear,” Chann said of the sports models. “Often patients wake up and find it on the pillow.”

To make a guard, a dentist takes an impression of a patient’s teeth to create a custom fit so it won’t come out during the night.

Other options Chann suggested are to do yoga or some self-centering exercises with the jaw before going to bed at night.

“Massage your jaw muscles,” he suggested. “If you clench down, you will feel the muscles knot between the jaw and the ear. Massage it.”

“Maintainin­g our oral health is key to a healthy immune system and enhanced overall health,” Aris said, “along with the importance of a balanced diet, exercise, quality sleep, and thoughtful communicat­ions during this difficult time.”

 ?? Erik Trautmann / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? Dr. Gregory Chann at his office Thursday in Wilton. There is a prevalence of stress damage to teeth as a result of the pandemic. Chann recommends wearing a mouthguard for people who grind their teeth.
Erik Trautmann / Hearst Connecticu­t Media Dr. Gregory Chann at his office Thursday in Wilton. There is a prevalence of stress damage to teeth as a result of the pandemic. Chann recommends wearing a mouthguard for people who grind their teeth.

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