

Chunk shedding 150 lbs. for comeback as Gladiator hunk


RUSSELL CROWE desperatel­y wants to drop more than a third of his 350 pounds to reprise his Oscar-winning Gladiator role — but it’s shaping up to be a living hell, spies dish.

At the moment, the 56-year-old actor is a far cry from the sword-wielding, muscular dreamboat who wowed gals in 2000, and sources doubt he’ll be able to pull it off!

“Russell is determined to shed at least 150 pounds and tone up, but it’s been a nightmare and he’s grouchy as hell,” an insider tells GLOBE.

“He’s insisting he can do this the old-fashioned way by working out with a trainer seven days a week, consulting a nutritioni­st and hiring a chef to prepare low-calorie meals for him.

“For a guy who’s used to fish and chips and Guinness, this is a painful process. He’s doing it, though, and grunting all the way.”

The star’s get-fit team also includes a masseur and a life coach, dishes the source.

“Russell’s even doing daily meditation sessions to make him forget how frustrated and hungry he is,” adds the snitch.

“His friends are supportive but inwardly skeptical he’ll be able to keep this up until production starts.”

A sequel to the sword-andsandals flick was reportedly planned in 2018, and Russell stoked the rumors recently when he said he could come back even though his character had been killed off.

“I keep being like this sort of party pooper when I say, ‘I just wanted to remind you

I died in the first one.’ So, I don’t really know. This far away, could we play with that? We could,” he says.

Adds the insider: “Making Gladiator was utter chaos, but Russell has to admit that was probably the best role and best film of his career, and he’s determined to get back in fighting shape for the next one!”

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