

Depraved trio claim father was a cheat — and they were following God’s orders!


THREE sadistic sisters have been tossed behind bars for the torturous abuse of their elderly dad — after claiming they were following God’s orders to punish him for allegedly cheating on their sainted mom!

In addition to the two-year sentences, Elissa Pietrocarl­o, 41, and sisters Grace, 31, and Annabel, 23, were banned by a Buffalo, N.Y., judge from contacting their 73-year-old dad, Michael, until July 2024.

According to prosecutor­s, Michael’s “living hell” began in 2002 when Elissa, who was the ringleader and known as “The Prophet” by her sisters, claimed she was contacted by God and told their dad was “being unfaithful to their mother,” Christine, 66.

Michael, of Hamburg, N.Y., denied the accusation, but the women banned him from sleeping with their mom, who they idolized as the “Queen of God.”

Instead, he was forced to sleep in his clothes on a kitchen couch — and then they began battering him so much he had to retreat to his car!

Erie County D.A. John J. Flynn called it “one of the most horrific cases of abuse … prosecuted by my office,” noting that in addition to seriously injuring their dad with beatings, the vicious vixens terrorized him with threats to “break every bone in his body.”

Judge Christophe­r Burns says he believes the mom was also involved, but she was not charged with assault and was earlier acquitted of robbery and menacing.

Michael’s 15 years of torment ended following a horrific attack on Sept. 9, 2017. Sitting at his computer in the kitchen, he was attacked by his awful offspring after their mom told them he’d “defiled her name online to a friend.”

Youngest daughter Annabel began choking him from behind and yanked $1,100 from his pocket, say prosecutor­s.

Then the trio of banshees started viciously slugging and kicking him to the floor!

Finally, he crawled to his vehicle and drove to Mercy Hospital in Orchard Park, where medics treated him for a fractured rib and bruised spleen.

After his release, the gals barred him from the house and Michael contacted a friend, who called cops.

‘One of the most horrific cases of abuse … prosecuted by my office’

 ??  ?? Grace Pietrocarl­o
Annabel Pietrocarl­o
Elissa Pietrocarl­o
Grace Pietrocarl­o Annabel Pietrocarl­o Elissa Pietrocarl­o
 ??  ?? There were no apologies to Dad from the Pietrocarl­o sisters when they were sentenced on July 19
There were no apologies to Dad from the Pietrocarl­o sisters when they were sentenced on July 19
 ??  ?? The Pietrocarl­o home in Hamburg, N.Y., where the dad was abused for 15 years
The Pietrocarl­o home in Hamburg, N.Y., where the dad was abused for 15 years

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